Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekend Reflection

The weekend services afforded us the opportunity to remember and reflect on the daily provisions that God has provided for each of us.  I believe that there are moments in which we spend our time waiting on some great or spectacular blessing from God and we fail to appreciate the load of daily benefits that we receive from God.  One of the young men from the local church shared a poem during the Call to Worship portion of the service.  In that poem he reminded us of the need to not take for granted the blessings that God has placed in our lives.  It does become so easy just to walk through life and fail to fully appreciate those blessings that God has given to us.  We can even take for granted our family and friends that play such a major role in our daily existence.  I believe that it is time for each of us to take an inventory of our gratitude meter and make sure that we are offering proper thanksgiving and appreciation to God for all that He is doing and providing in our life.  During the next few days make a consistent effort to raise your gratitude meter to a higher level.

The Praise Gathering on Sunday night at New River Worship Center was a great blessing and source of inspiration.  Various individuals shared stories from their time of conversion as well as testimonies of special needs that God had met for them.  My heart was enriched and my faith was strengthened as I listened to the road that some people had traveled.  The times of testimony and praise reminded the congregation of the unconditional love that God has for each of us.  People are never too far away from God that He can not reach them.  The testimonies also reminded me that we can never give up praying for our family and friends who are in need of a Savior.  The lives of our loved ones may be in complete disarray but God's Grace and Mercy is able to reach to the depths of despair and misery and rescue that individual.  Maintain your constant desire to pray and intercede for those who need a Savior.  The eternal souls of mankind hang in the balance and we must be willing to share the love and concern of God with them.

Let this be a week of true praise, adoration, and worship as we reflect on the precious gift of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world.

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