Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Many of you read this blog on a consistent basis.  Each of you realize the emphasis that I have placed on prayer during the past few years.  I am convinced that the church in this modern era of various religions need to be awakened to our need to develop a pattern of consistent communication with our Heavenly Father.  It is imperative that we begin to "put into practice" the call to prayer that the Spirit is issuing to the church through the various leadership voices of the church of today.  I know that I am doing my best to spread this "call" to the people that I serve when I am given the opportunity to share the Word of God.

Last night I felt that the Lord shared a dream or vision with me.  My wife and I were walking through various cemeteries and reading the information on the headstones.  This morning I can not remember the names that we were reading last night but during the dream we did recognize the names and we did know the people whose name were on the headstones.  The Lord revealed that these various individuals had entered into "spiritual death" because of their lack of prayer.  They had lost their relationship with Christ because of their failure to spend time in the presence of God.  Prayer is not just coming before the Lord with our "spiritual wish list."  Prayer is lingering in the presence of the Lord and allowing Him to teach us about the development of our relationship with Him.  You are probably thinking, "What does this have to do with Christmas?"  We must remember that the birth of Jesus Christ opened the door of a personal relationship with God through the Son of God.  Can you connect the dots in this spiritual scenario?  Christ was born!  Christ lived on this earth!  Christ died for our sins at Calvary!  The birth and death of Christ opened the door for relationship!  Prayer develops our relationship!  Thank God for the wonderful and awesome gift of prayer as we celebrate Christmas!

Prayer Request:  I will be having a second surgery on my arm tomorrow.  This is due to the fall that I received in October of 2010.  I have not enjoyed a full recovery as of yet and the Doctor feels that he can improve my mobility through this second procedure.  I would appreciate your prayer covering.  I may be away from the computer for a couple of days but I will be praying for each of you.  Feel free to share your prayer requests with me; I would be honored to join with you in prayer.

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