Monday, April 29, 2013

Spiritual Preparation

  The Spirit continues to deal with my heart concerning "spiritual preparation." I must ask myself this pertinent question, "Do I take a serious and thoughtful stance toward my relationship with Christ?" Do I find myself just "going through" the motions of Chrisianity because those actions appear appropriate at that time? Am I more interested in impressing people than I am pleasing God? I believe that the Word of God reminds us of the need to take a serious and sincere point of view toward our relationship with God. The Word of God also speaks about the challenges that believers will face as we approach the coming of Jesus Christ. I must be prepared to face those challenges and I must be prepared to assist others in their preparation. The Apostle Paul reveals to us the battle gear and weapons that we need if we are to be successful in our war against the enemy. The uniform described is not designed purely for comfort or for a fashion statement. No, this armour is designed to give us weapons that we can use against the wiles, strategies or devices of satan. Will we choose to pick up the weapons of war or will we continue to wage war against satan in the power of the flesh? The flesh will lose the battle but the Spirt of God will triumph over the enemy and all of the tactics that he will use againtst us. Take some time and study the battle gear revealed in Ephesians 6.

Prepared for War

  The New River Worship Team and I meet for prayer prior to our Sunday service. There are occasions when members of the group share a prayer request for themselves, for a family member or for one of their friends. I was reminded of a very important principle as we gathered for our time of prayer on Sunday. Two of the team members spoke of serious situations which either involved their family or a friend. Each of these situations needed someone who not only believed in the power of prayer but would also exhibit concern and compassion. These requests would require more than a casual prayer and more than a spiritual "tip of the hat" regarding the challenge that the individuals were facing. During prayer today I was reminded of the attitude that Jesus took toward people in need. The Bible declares that "Jesus was moved with compassion" as He observed the people around Him. I understand this to mean that Jesus felt this compassion from deep within His soul. It was more than a casual glance at the problem. It was more than a surface reaction that appeared for a brief moment and then disappeared. It was more than a religious act of kindness on His part. No, it was a true sense of empathy and heartfelt concern for those in need. Needless to say I was challenged to pray with compassion and not just with rehearsed words that I have used throughout my journey with Christ. Do we pray with a heart that is consumed with compassion? Do we pray with true concern for those requests that have been shared with us? Do we pray with faith and fervor as we intercede for others? When you pray always remember that there will come a day and time that you will be the person sharing the request.

Friday, April 26, 2013

"God Strong"

The past few weeks have reminded us that terrorism is still a great concern for America and for Americans who are thankful for the freedoms that we enjoy on a daily basis. Once again we witnessed terrorism right before our very eyes as the homemade bombs were detonated at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The strength of the victims and the strength of the police departments have been on display for each of us to see over the past several days. A "rally cry" has arisen as Bostonians as well as our nation has sought to arise from the ashes of despair and move forward in the pursuit of life and the happiness that is associated with that life. The words "Boston Strong" have become synonymous with the desire of the people not to be defeated by this attack and by their desire to rebuild their lives and their city.
There is another terror attack that takes place on a daily basis in America. It is an attack of spiritual forces that seek to overthrow and defeat our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. These "spiritual terrorists" aim their attacks at the believers who are walking in the freedom and deliverance from the bondage of sin. We must live in a constant awareness of these spiritual enemies and realize that the Word of God has provided our "rally cry" against this spiritual enemy. Would you take a moment and remind yourselves of the directive that the Spirit spoke through Paul in the book of Ephesians?
Ephesians 6:10-18, "A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. 17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." (NLT)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Practice & Action

I am thankful that God does provide inspiration as well as spiritual information as we pray and seek after His heart. That could be one of the reasons that satan seeks to interfere with our commitment to prayer. Satan realizes that we can not be in the presence of God without acknowledging our need for continual transformation. I have spoken these words before but they are worth repeating; "We are a spiritual work in progress."
I wrote on the blog on Monday concerning our need to "hear what God is saying to each of us." During prayer over the past few days the Spirit has reminded me that each of us need to be willing to take the next step in our spiritual process. This was also confirmed to me in a text message that I received this morning from an individual who reads the blog. We need to pay close attention to what God is saying and THEN we need to put into practice what we heard. Action is required on our parts. We need to remember that we do take some action every time that God deals with our life. We can respond with the right action toward God or our failure to respond in the right manner is also an action toward God. We choose to ignore the directives of God and by doing so we choose to follow the desires of the flesh and not the leading of the Spirit. Which choice will you make today? Which action will you take today? Will you say yes to God? Will your action say no to God? Or will your actions say wait until another day and time? No one of us know how many days of life on earth that we have left.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Many of you who read this blog on a consistent basis realize that I truly believe that God desires to send a deep, fresh, and powerful awakening to His church in America. I was called into that understanding over 7 years ago and that moment of awakening in my heart still manifests itself in my life today. Recent prayer times as well as recent services have confirmed that call to me as well as the unction and direction from the Spirit as I share the Word of God both in the New River congregation as well as other places that God directs. But this question is in my mind today, "Do you hear what I hear?" Are you sensing the need for a personal awakening as well as a corporate awakening for the family of God? Are you seeing the "signs of the times" being revealed right before our very eyes? What else will have to happen before the church in America understands that God is knocking at the doors of our heart? Will we make the decision to answer the call from God and respond in the manner of obedience to His visitation? The New Testament reveals that previous generations missed the visitation from God because they failed to respond appropriately. I do not want to fall into that category. Where do you stand on the issue of awakening? Am I blowing all of this out of proportion or do you truly sense that the Spirit of God is revealing and declaring that only Christ is the true answer to the ills of our lives?
In a recent Wednesday night Bible Study on the Book of Acts the Spirit of God begin to move in the conclusion of the meeting. There was a message in tongues and although there was no verbal interpretation one of the individuals felt led to write what the Spirit said to those gathered in the room. I want to share that with you this morning.

"Behold, I am awakening my children from their slumber.  I am releasing my power afresh into their lives. I am renewing their love and desire to learn of
Me.   I am calling them to do new and marvelous things.  This day is the beginning of things to come.  Awake, Zion!  I say, "Awake!". The time has come!    (Note: there was a second message and these are the words that followed)  Did you not hear me call the first time?   Wake up, slumbering children!  Look about you.   People are crying; people are dying!   Where are my workers?   Where are my witnesses?   Who will go?   The time is short.  Wake up!   Wake up!”
Do you hear what I hear?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Tardy but Thankful

It has been several days since I have made a post on this blog. I have been in North Carolina sharing the Word of God at The Roc in Rockingham. Pastors Steve and Vonnie Gilmer serve this wonderful community of believers who have a heart to reach their community with the life changing message of the Gospel. We were able to witness the effects of the Gospel message each evening in the services. The Worship Team led us into the presence of God from the very outset of the service and the Spirit continued to pour His presence into our spirits as the Word of God was shared. We were able to witness the purpose of the altar call in these meetings. The altar invitation time serves as an opportunity for each of us to have our lives altered through the combined efforts of the Word and Spirit. We can rejoice in the fact that God is still at work in the hearts of those people who willingly surrender their lives to His direction. I am thankful that I have not stopped believing in the power of the Word and the power of the Spirit to change, transform, forgive, deliver and heal us of any strategy that the enemy uses against us. I have seen God at work in the lives of people for over 41 years and I will continue to stand on the promises of God. Do not be dismayed or discouraged through the attempts of satan to overthrow and defeat your faith. God has given each believer the power and authority as a son/daughter in His family to defeat the powers of the enemy through the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Trust in His presence today and rely on His Grace to direct your steps. 

Friday, April 12, 2013


Last night we received a call from the family of a dear and wonderful friend of our family. Kjeston had passed from this earthly life into her eternal reward. We are saddened by the news yet rejoice in the fact that she has run her race and crossed the finish line. She and her family had fought the battle with Alzheimer's  over the past several years. This disease is not only difficult on the patient it is also very challenging to a family as they see their loved one begin to fade away right before their eyes. We are praying for them as well as all the families of Alzheimer's patients. Immediately God began to remind me of blessings that He has placed in our lives. One of the blessings is friendship. Our friendship with this family began over 35 years ago. We were privileged to serve as their Pastor for over 8 years and during those years we were able to see this relationship strengthened and blessed. God reminded me that we have been blessed as people have invited us into their lives and encouraged us to become a part of their families. That activity reveals how we have developed "mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters" in various cities across America. Each of you also have those same type of relationships throughout your community as well as other parts of  the world. This morning my heart is full of great memories of wonderful friends that we have shared through the years of our lives. People have enriched our lives through their kindness, love, encouragement and support. Can you think of some individuals who have played that role in your life? Will you take time to thank God for providing those blessings in your life? I am doing that as I write the blog today.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Remembering, Part 2

I would like to continue sharing about the thoughts from yesterday. I truly believe that God uses daily events to reveal to us and teach us about divine principles by which we need to live. It is so easy to live carelessly even as believers. We can become so trapped in the daily routine of our family, employment and even our participation in our relationship with God that we drift away from Biblical truth that should be making a difference in our lives. But thankfully the Love of God sends warnings to us and He offers to awaken our hearts so that we will not completely drift off course. I believe that God reminded me of the brevity of life and that He desires for me to share that reminder with you. You may not be guilty of forgetting this principle but each of us need to have our hearts sensitive to the teachings of the Bible so that the Truth revealed can be applied to our walk with Christ.
God used two events or circumstances last week to reinforce the principle revealed in James 4. I shared the eulogy of a gentleman that passed away in his early 50's. He was diagnosed with cancer just a few days before his life ended on this earth. I was privileged to lead this man to pray the sinner's prayer as he realized that his earthly life was vanishing and that he needed to prepare for eternity. My wife and I also visited a dear friend of ours who is in the final stages of her battle with Alzheimer's. This lady served as a surrogate mother to my wife and a surrogate grandmother to our children. (We lived in our Kentucky and our parents lived in Alabama.) This Christian lady began her battle with this terrible disease at an early age and her family has watched her life "vanish" over the past few years. Life is a short span that God allows us to enjoy with our family and friends regardless of our age when we die. We do not need to take life for granted and we do not need to take each other for granted. Let us celebrate every day that God gives to us and let us cherish those people that God places in our lives. Let us take the time to develop a heart-felt relationship with Christ and commit out lives to His direction. We only come through this earthly body once and we need to make sure that we recognize the brevity of our life. Each of us need to live in such a manner that our life glorifies our Heavenly Father and encourages those people that God places in our path.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


James 4:13-15, "Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.”
God has a way of teaching us or reminding us of principles that are very important to know. I have found that He can use the events of our life; He can use the situations that we are facing; or He can even use the people that we encounter as we navigate the road called life. This past week found me in one of those moments in which God wanted to remind me and now remind you of the principle that is revealed in the scripture that I shared today. Each of us have probably thought about or spoken with someone concerning the brevity or shortness of our life or the life of a loved one or friend. We have also talked about how "quick" our life has passed or vanished right before our eyes.
Those of us who have children see this truth played out before our eyes through the lives of our children and grandchildren. But my question is, "Does the knowledge of this truth truly impact or make a difference in the way that we live our life?" Do we approach life realizing and understanding that we are daily drawing closer to the end of our time on this Earth? I do not desire to paint a dark picture of gloom or doom over you but I do feel that the Spirit desires to give each of us a wake-up call to the truth about eternity.
Life is short regardless of the time that you spend on planet Earth. The true essence of a man or woman's life is not determined by the length of our years but our relationship with Jesus Christ and the depth of our character. We can not change what we have done with our life but we can change what we are doing with our life. The choice is left to each one of us and God has given us "free will" to make that choice. I encourage you to make the right choice today so that you look back on your life and realize that you made a difference in someone and you can look forward and know that your eternal reunion with God lies in front of you.

Friday, April 5, 2013


We have been involved in completing Phase 2 of our remodeling project at New River Worship Center over the past few weeks. Our Project Manager solicited volunteers who would we willing to gather and clean the building as we move toward the finish line of the project. Last night several volunteers arrived to assist us in the effort of cleaning the building. Remember that some of these volunteers had worked on their public jobs before arriving but wanted to share some of their time assisting in this opportunity to serve.
The Project Manager assigned the tasks and we soon began fulfilling our individual responsibilities. It was not long before you could hear the normal sounds of the tasks that were assigned to the individuals. Sounds such as the "swoosh" of a broom across the floor; the "swishing" sound of a bottle of window cleaner being sprayed; the purring of the vacuum cleaner being ran; and the sliding of a window scraper across the glass. Each of these sounds reminded me that the work was being completed by those who had chosen to give their time in this area of service to the church family of New River. I could digress at this point and write about volunteers and how that each local congregation depends so heavily on these people to operate the work of the ministry week after week. But I will resist that temptation and stay focused on the thoughts that God originally placed in my heart. (Note: That can be a challenge for any Preacher!)
But I soon heard a another sound that was heard above the sounds of the work that was being accomplished. I began to hear conversation taking place between those who were involved in the process of work. Can you imagine someone actually conversing with another volunteer and the conversation not being filled with complaints about giving up some of their "free" time for such a project as this? I stopped and listened for a few minutes to hear the sounds of the words that were being spoken. The words being spoken did not grab my attention as much as the inflection of the voices that were speaking the words. There was actually laughter coming forth from the rooms that were being cleaned. It was as though the workers might be enjoying what they were doing and they were drawing strength and encouragement from their fellow volunteers. We must remember that God's Word is powerful and His Word is true. God will speak to us at various times and in various manners. I believe that the Spirit spoke these words in my heart; "A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones." (Proverbs 17:22). We were tired when we left but I believe that we left as better people because we allowed the merriment of fellowship, conversation, and laughter to brighten our day and provide medicine to our soul!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Moving Forward

We have just concluded our time of Lent and our celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave. We can not afford a "spiritual letdown" as we move forward in our walk with Christ. The emotional high of Easter may be fading but the reality of the daily presence of Christ in our lives is more than just a "feeling". CHRIST IS ALIVE AND HE IS AT WORK IN OUR HEARTS AT THIS VERY MOMENT. We must focus on our next steps, our present and future decisions, and our desire to be faithful servants in the Kingdom of God. God has a plan for each of us and we need to learn the joy and reward when we fully surrender our lives to Him. This song was posted by one of my FB friends and I felt led to share it with you. Take a moment and read the words and then offer your life to God as a sweet smelling aroma of surrender and praise.
"I Offer My Life"
All that I am, all that I have
I lay them down before you, oh Lord
.... All my regrets, all my acclaims.
The joy and the pain, I'm making them yours
Lord, I offer my life to you
Everything I've been through
Use it for your glory
Lord I offer my days to you
Lifting my praise to you
... As a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer you my life
Things in the past, things yet unseen
Wishes and dreams that are yet to come true
All of my heart, all of my praise
My heart and my hands are lifted to you
Lord, I offer my life to you
Everything I've been through
Use it for your glory
Lord I offer my days to you
Lifting my praise to you
As a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer you my life
What can we give
That you have not given?
And what do we have
That is not already yours?
All we possess
Are these lives we're living
That's what we give to you, Lord

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Foolishness of Mankind

Psalm 14:1b, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God..."
This past weekend was one filled with reflection, contemplation, and jubilation. Our Good Friday service offered me the opportunity to reflect, contemplate, and remember the wonderful sacrifice that Christ offered in my place when He went to the cross of Calvary. Our Resurrection Celebration on Sunday was one filled with hope, grace, passion and a "spirit of jubilee" as we rejoiced in the fact that Christ arose from the grave and that He is ALIVE TODAY! But now it is Monday and I realize that today is "April Fools Day." Many pranks will be pulled today; as a matter of fact our granddaughter tried to pull a prank on me earlier today but thankfully I was wiser than a ten year old." (Note: that statement may be debatable.)
Earlier today I thought of a song that I learned as a child. "The devil is a sly ole fox..." came into my heart as I remembered that the enemy certainly seeks to pull spiritual pranks on people in this day and time. The enemy seeks to make us feel foolish because we believe that God is real and that He is true to the Words that He has spoken. The enemy seeks to make us feel foolish because we desire to serve God to the best of our ability and because we seek to trust God as we face the adversities of living on planet Earth. But God has already defined and described a foolish person. It is a "fool" who says there is no God. It is a fool who lives his/her life believing that there are no eternal consequences to the daily decisions that he/she makes in their life. It is a fool who says that God is unimportant or irrelevant to their journey with life.
Someone may try to trick you today but do not fall prey to the attempts of satan. Jesus described the foolish man as someone who builds his life on anything but the foundational presence and direction of Jesus Christ. Do not be foolish but walk in the wisdom of a personal relationship with Christ.