Many of you who read this blog on a consistent basis realize that I truly believe that God desires to send a deep, fresh, and powerful awakening to His church in America. I was called into that understanding over 7 years ago and that moment of awakening in my heart still manifests itself in my life today. Recent prayer times as well as recent services have confirmed that call to me as well as the unction and direction from the Spirit as I share the Word of God both in the New River congregation as well as other places that God directs. But this question is in my mind today, "Do you hear what I hear?" Are you sensing the need for a personal awakening as well as a corporate awakening for the family of God? Are you seeing the "signs of the times" being revealed right before our very eyes? What else will have to happen before the church in America understands that God is knocking at the doors of our heart? Will we make the decision to answer the call from God and respond in the manner of obedience to His visitation? The New Testament reveals that previous generations missed the visitation from God because they failed to respond appropriately. I do not want to fall into that category. Where do you stand on the issue of awakening? Am I blowing all of this out of proportion or do you truly sense that the Spirit of God is revealing and declaring that only Christ is the true answer to the ills of our lives?
In a recent Wednesday night Bible Study on the Book of Acts the Spirit of God begin to move in the conclusion of the meeting. There was a message in tongues and although there was no verbal interpretation one of the individuals felt led to write what the Spirit said to those gathered in the room. I want to share that with you this morning.
"Behold, I am awakening my children from their slumber. I am releasing my power afresh into their lives. I am renewing their love and desire to learn of
Me. I am calling them to do new and marvelous things. This day is the beginning of things to come. Awake, Zion! I say, "Awake!". The time has come! (Note: there was a second message and these are the words that followed) Did you not hear me call the first time? Wake up, slumbering children! Look about you. People are crying; people are dying! Where are my workers? Where are my witnesses? Who will go? The time is short. Wake up! Wake up!”
Do you hear what I hear?
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