Friday, April 5, 2013


We have been involved in completing Phase 2 of our remodeling project at New River Worship Center over the past few weeks. Our Project Manager solicited volunteers who would we willing to gather and clean the building as we move toward the finish line of the project. Last night several volunteers arrived to assist us in the effort of cleaning the building. Remember that some of these volunteers had worked on their public jobs before arriving but wanted to share some of their time assisting in this opportunity to serve.
The Project Manager assigned the tasks and we soon began fulfilling our individual responsibilities. It was not long before you could hear the normal sounds of the tasks that were assigned to the individuals. Sounds such as the "swoosh" of a broom across the floor; the "swishing" sound of a bottle of window cleaner being sprayed; the purring of the vacuum cleaner being ran; and the sliding of a window scraper across the glass. Each of these sounds reminded me that the work was being completed by those who had chosen to give their time in this area of service to the church family of New River. I could digress at this point and write about volunteers and how that each local congregation depends so heavily on these people to operate the work of the ministry week after week. But I will resist that temptation and stay focused on the thoughts that God originally placed in my heart. (Note: That can be a challenge for any Preacher!)
But I soon heard a another sound that was heard above the sounds of the work that was being accomplished. I began to hear conversation taking place between those who were involved in the process of work. Can you imagine someone actually conversing with another volunteer and the conversation not being filled with complaints about giving up some of their "free" time for such a project as this? I stopped and listened for a few minutes to hear the sounds of the words that were being spoken. The words being spoken did not grab my attention as much as the inflection of the voices that were speaking the words. There was actually laughter coming forth from the rooms that were being cleaned. It was as though the workers might be enjoying what they were doing and they were drawing strength and encouragement from their fellow volunteers. We must remember that God's Word is powerful and His Word is true. God will speak to us at various times and in various manners. I believe that the Spirit spoke these words in my heart; "A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones." (Proverbs 17:22). We were tired when we left but I believe that we left as better people because we allowed the merriment of fellowship, conversation, and laughter to brighten our day and provide medicine to our soul!!!

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