Monday, April 1, 2013

The Foolishness of Mankind

Psalm 14:1b, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God..."
This past weekend was one filled with reflection, contemplation, and jubilation. Our Good Friday service offered me the opportunity to reflect, contemplate, and remember the wonderful sacrifice that Christ offered in my place when He went to the cross of Calvary. Our Resurrection Celebration on Sunday was one filled with hope, grace, passion and a "spirit of jubilee" as we rejoiced in the fact that Christ arose from the grave and that He is ALIVE TODAY! But now it is Monday and I realize that today is "April Fools Day." Many pranks will be pulled today; as a matter of fact our granddaughter tried to pull a prank on me earlier today but thankfully I was wiser than a ten year old." (Note: that statement may be debatable.)
Earlier today I thought of a song that I learned as a child. "The devil is a sly ole fox..." came into my heart as I remembered that the enemy certainly seeks to pull spiritual pranks on people in this day and time. The enemy seeks to make us feel foolish because we believe that God is real and that He is true to the Words that He has spoken. The enemy seeks to make us feel foolish because we desire to serve God to the best of our ability and because we seek to trust God as we face the adversities of living on planet Earth. But God has already defined and described a foolish person. It is a "fool" who says there is no God. It is a fool who lives his/her life believing that there are no eternal consequences to the daily decisions that he/she makes in their life. It is a fool who says that God is unimportant or irrelevant to their journey with life.
Someone may try to trick you today but do not fall prey to the attempts of satan. Jesus described the foolish man as someone who builds his life on anything but the foundational presence and direction of Jesus Christ. Do not be foolish but walk in the wisdom of a personal relationship with Christ.

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