Tuesday, June 30, 2015

When Should I PRAISE HIM?

Psalm 34:1-3, "I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.
I will boast only in the Lordlet all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together." (NLT)

The title of this post asks the question, "When Should I PRAISE HIM?" The question could be re-stated in this manner, "WHY & WHEN Did I STOP PRAISING GOD?" In all honesty, we have no legitimate reason to stop praising and exalting God. The Bible is full of instructions, exhortations, and encouragement when it comes to offering praise and honor to God. We have many choices of scripture passages from which we could choose to validate our call to PRAISE GOD. The teachings of the scripture are not in question in this post. I think they are very plainly written to those who follow after Christ.

The greater question may be summed up in this question; "Am I offering God my best effort and gift of praise?" The Psalmist David reminded us of our need to praise Him at "all times." Let me give you a simple answer to that declaration. The words "all times" reveals that I should praise God through all circumstances and situations not just when I "feel" like it. Is that always easy to do? The answer is NO it is not always easy. But the answer to David's challenge should be YES when we realize that Praise is always profitable to the continuing process of spiritual growth. David went on to say, "I will constantly speak his praises." My what a challenge but what a blessing that ensues when we put into practice the instructions of God's Word!!!

The enemy seeks to "steal" the praise from our lips. The challenges of life which bring fears, frustration, pain, suffering, struggles, difficulties, etc have a way of removing the praise from our lips. But remembering the goodness of God and the Grace of God have a way of restoring them to our heart. We have to take the time to remember the "good things" that comes from God even as we face the challenge of difficult times. Once more let me remind us that there is a blessing that comes from offering praise, honor, adoration and worship to the Lord God Almighty. 

Make room for a TIME OF PRAISE in your life today!! You will be a better person if you make that effort. Call it a "challenge" based on the Word of God. 

Friday, June 26, 2015


I would like to share an email that I sent out earlier this morning. It is a letter of encouragement as well as a letter of recruitment. It was sent to people that are connected with the local congregation that I serve but I believe the principles that I discuss and the challenge that is issued through these principles are applicable to each of us. Would you take a moment and read this email and see if you sense the alarm bells going off in your spirit?

As you are aware, I have called for another Time of Prayer this Sunday evening (6-28) @ 5:00 PM at the church. I believe that we could agree that prayer is very important and a very necessary part of our walk with Christ. There is a time for "private prayer" and there is a time for "corporate prayer." I understand the Bible to teach both of those spiritual principles. I would like to request, encourage, and even recruit you to attend the "corporate" time of prayer on Sunday evening. 

Our nation reeks with the smell of division, violence, disease, distrust, animosity, hatred, racism, addictions, moral decline, spiritual lethargy and unrest. Should I go on with my list of issues and personal as well as Pastoral insight into the affairs of our nation? I surely could but I will refrain at this time. But I see something that is missing when we begin listing or naming the issues that we are facing. IT IS THE PEOPLE WHO ARE EITHER CAPTURED IN THE THROES OF THESE ISSUES OR THEY ARE OVERWHELMED BY THE EFFECT OF THESE ISSUES!! There is certainly a time in which we need to pray against the spirits that are driving these actions BUT there is also a time to PRAY FOR THE PEOPLE BEHIND THESE ISSUES. I believe that the time to pray for people has come.

I read the following thought this morning and I felt in my spirit that I needed to share it with you. "The Lord didn't send his disciples out solo. He sent them out in pairs. Pairs were more than twice as effective as a single person in accomplishing the work of preparing people's hearts for the Kingdom of God and the good news about Jesus. Several Jewish principles were behind this. First, testimony needed to be at the hands of two or three witnesses. Second, two are stronger and more effective than one. To this, Jesus adds a third principle of his own: where two or three gather, there he is present. No matter how strong we are, we need a partner. Even the incredibly committed apostle Paul needed his co-workers and friends (see 2 Timothy). We need each other to do God's work and accomplish God's mission. Don't try to do it solo!" (Phil Ware)

We may not want to admit it but you need me and I need you. I fully understand that my previous statement runs contrary to the attitude of many in our present world. I believe that principle of needing each other will become even more important as we move deeper into the 21st century. We can already see the warning signs on the horizon. I need you to pray with me on Sunday and you need me to pray with you on Sunday. I may be accused of being an "alarmist"  but I had rather be safe than sorry. I hear the spiritual warning alarms going off and as a "watchman on the wall" I need to declare what I see and what I hear.

Blessings on you and your family today!! You are loved, respected and appreciated!!!

Ephesians 6:18, "Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God’s consecrated people). (Amplified)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Encouraging One Another

Hebrews 10:25, "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." (NLT)

I have often said that each of us need encouragement and each of us need to be a person that encourages others. I was reminded of this need as I was reading a beautiful card that someone shared with me last night at church. It was a note of appreciation but it also contained some powerful words and phrases of encouragement. That card has served as an impetus for the sharing of these thoughts on the blog today.

The "spirit of discouragement" is easily recognizable in our world. Discouragement can visit our lives as we listen to the news broadcasts or even the conversations that we have with various individuals throughout our day. Can I share a confession with you? Listening to the news concerning the difficulties that our world is facing as well as the trials that individuals are facing can be overwhelming. The Psalmist David even wrote that he "encouraged himself in the Lord his God." (I Samuel 30:6) 

BUT there are times that we need the encouragement of others. There are those times that God not only calls the church to encourage one another but He uses the church to encourage each other. The Apostle Paul reminded the Hebrews about the need of meeting together (do not neglect the assembling of yourselves). But he also reminded them of the need to encourage (exhort) one another!! 

I believe that encouragement is one of our "corporate opportunities" or do I dare say "responsibilities?" Do you take time and make the effort to encourage others? If our answer is no, then why is our answer no? I am not simply agreeing that we need to encourage others; I am talking about actually sharing encouragement with someone. You might truly enjoy the sense of accomplishment as you choose to practice this call/mandate from the Bible. 

Let us make an effort to encourage someone today!! Pay your blessings forward as you share encouragement with someone today!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Where is Your STRENGTH?

Isaiah 40:31, "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." (NLT)

It seems that our world is full of anxiety, stress, fear, hatred, worries, frustration, anger, addictions, racism, discrimination, prejudice, etc. And I am just taking time to name a few of the emotions that appears to be running rampant in our modern society. I talk with people of various ages; various positions in life; various levels of education and even various views of God and the need for a relationship with Him. I am amazed that each of these groups to which I am referring have one thing in common.  They are looking for hope and for strength!!

We are not the first generation of people that have looked for strength to endure the trials and challenges of life. The history books of the world as well as the Bible reveal the stories of people who were looking for hope in the midst of their greatest difficulties. Some of our early American forefathers offered stirring speeches to rally the "Americans" in their battle for freedom to become an independent nation. Sir Winston Churchill offered some of his most famous and challenging speeches in the early days of WWII when London was being destroyed through the bombing of the city. Quoting my Day (another WWII) veteran, "Mr. Churchill was rallying the troops."

I am sharing the passage from Isaiah 40 today because I feel led to "rally" the spiritual troops. I don't have a stirring message to share (at least today). These written words of mine may not stir you as much as a great orator could stir you but I am acquainted with the author of the remarks that Isaiah is quoting. It was God who breathed His Word into the hearts and minds of the Prophets and Apostles and they wrote down those words of inspiration. We can trust in the source of Isaiah's "rally cry."

I know that many situations in our world may look bleak and troubling BUT in God and through God we can find the strength and hope we need to face today as well as our tomorrows. We can soar high in the strength and power of our God. We can find the strength and courage we need to continue our journey. Will we take the time to look to God and allow Him to provide the sustaining strength that each of us needs to face our individual set of trials as well as the trials that our nation is facing today?

Dominic Bouck shares some thoughts about the strength that was found in Charleston, SC a few days ago. "By the grace of God, for those at Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, violence begets love, racism begets dignity, sin begets grace, hatred begets forgiveness."


Monday, June 22, 2015

The Presence of Evil

Psalm 121:7-8, "The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going our and your coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore." (NJKV)

I do not want this blog post to simply serve as a reminder to the presence of evil in this world. I am sure that each of you are very much aware of the presence of evil and have probably been effected in one way or another in your lifetime. It seems the various news media outlets do a superb job keeping us aware of the tragic events that are perpetrated by various individuals or groups of individuals. We hear the terms "lone gunman, terrorist group, sub-terrorist group, supremacy groups" and the list could go on and on. We read and hear about racial prejudice, ethnic prejudice, discrimination and even crimes that were motivated by hate. But where do we turn in the midst of all this alarming information?

Christians choose turn to God and to His Word. His Presence and His Word will bring the comfort and solace that we need during our time of great concern. Mother Emmanuel AME Church taught us that on Sunday when they conducted their Sunday service just a few days after the tragedy of the "lone gunman" who attacked one of their Bible study groups. Humanity has been fighting against evil ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. But only God can change the heart of a human being. Only God can turn hate into love and only God can redeem and rescue the soul of mankind. 

Thank You Mother Emmanuel Church for showing us how to respond to the injustice of evil!! Thank You Mother Emmanuel for showing forgiveness rather than retaliation!! Thank You Mother Emmanuel Church for putting into practice (living out) the promise that the Psalmist David declared in Psalm 127!!

Many spiritual leaders are calling America to pray for each other and for the spiritual direction of our nation. WILL YOU ANSWER THAT CALL? The Prophet Ezekiel wrote of a time that God was looking for a man to stand in the gap. Will you be that man or woman today?

Friday, June 19, 2015

Father's Day

Exodus 20:12, " Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." (KJV)

My heart is heavy this morning as I prepare to share some thoughts with you today regarding the celebration of Father's Day. There are at least two children in Charleston, SC who will have a difficult time celebrating Father's Day this year. Their Dad, the pastor of the Emmanuel AME church in Charleston was murdered along with eight others on Wednesday night. Once more in America we have witnessed the effects of evil, violence, hatred, bigotry, prejudice, and the list could go on and on. But in reality we have witnessed the effects of sin and the rebellion against God. We can describe the events in that church on Wednesday night with many words but we have witnessed the actions of sin at its worse. Let us offer a moment of silence in memory of each of these victims as we prepare to celebrate this weekend and realize that these two daughters of the Pastor will not have another opportunity to celebrate with their Dad. Their celebrations will be confined to their memories as well as to their hope of being reunited with Him in eternity at some point in the future. 

Let me ask a few questions. What more will it take in America to awaken our hearts toward God? How much more pain will we have to witness being endured by innocent people before we realize that we have a spiritual deficiency (lack, incompleteness, insufficiency; Dictionary.com) across our land? How did we reach the point that a local church is no longer  a "safe place" to attend? How have we drifted away from the principles of respect, honor, and appreciation for one another? Why has it become so common for people to "take matters into their own hands?" And in many cases the solution that these individuals reaches ends in violence and the destruction and death of an individual or a group of individuals? 

I started this blog with the intention of writing about my father and my father-in-law. I wanted to write about them being men of integrity, men who loved God, and men who loved their families. Each of these men taught me many wonderful attributes that I still practice today. They taught me to work hard. They taught me to treat people right. They taught me to respect my elders. They taught me to respect them and their role in my life. I grew up in the Deep South in Alabama. But they did not teach me hatred! They did not teach me to discriminate against different races! They did not teach me to think that I was superior to anyone but they taught me to respect everyone! They taught me to say "Yes Ma'am and No Ma'am." They taught me to say "Yes Sir and No Sir." And to this day I still use those words many times during the various conversations that I have on a daily basis.

Thank you Wallace Willingham and Marshall Phillips for teaching me how to be a "real" man and for showing me how to be a "real" man.

I offer HONOR to you one more time today!!!


Friday, June 12, 2015


I have been preparing an eulogy for a funeral this morning. The Spirit began to deal with my heart about the need to be grateful to God for all that He has has provided in my life. I do not want to sound redundant considering the words that I shared yesterday but I realized that gratitude, appreciation and recognition of the goodness of God needs to be a daily part of our lives and not just a time of "special revelation." I understand that there are times in which a specific event or circumstance calls for an unique time of celebration and praise. But we should not wait for those moments to arrive before we offer our heartfelt praise and honor to God.

I feel led to share a few verses that is very rich with the flavor of praise, adoration and thanksgiving.

Psalm 103:1-5

"Bless the Lord, O my soul;
And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases,
Who redeems your life from destruction,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s." (NKJV)


Thursday, June 11, 2015

I would like to share an email of encouragement that I mailed out earlier today. Some of you may read these words twice but I firmly believe that this passage of scripture will speak to your hearts. It is my desire to draw closer to God and it is my desire to encourage you to draw closer to God. The Word of God will assist us in that process if we will allow it to do so. 

Good morning!!

I Thessalonians 5:16-18, "Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (NKJV)

This scripture passage is taken from a letter that the Apostle Paul shared with the local church at Thessalonica. This is small snippet of exhortations that Paul was sharing with the local church. Today they serve as a great reminder and challenge to the modern day believer. Each of these verses contain many sermons within the few words that were written. We find the essence of hope, prayer and thanksgiving shared as well as other principles that we could discuss. 

I want to take a moment of your time and encourage you to consider making these verses a part of your daily spiritual regimen. What if we sought to practice these principles in our daily lives? Can we even imagine the strength, faith, courage, and miracles that would take place in our individual lives as well as the corporate Body of Christ? I truly believe that we would be amazed at the spiritual results that would take place in our hearts and the hearts of others if we seriously took on the challenge of these verses. I can feel the stirring of the Spirit even as I am writing these sentences.

Over the past few weeks and months I have ministered to several individuals as well as families that have faced some very difficult circumstances. I have been amazed at the strength, faith and courage that I have witnessed. There have been many occasions in which I was just honored to be in their presence. They encouraged me far more than I encouraged them. They were "living out" the declarations of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Their faith was more than just a bundle of scriptures that they had memorized. Their faith was and still is based on a relationship with a Living Savior who was present in their lives. They were not detached from God rather they had chosen to allow their circumstances to strengthen their faith. Their faith had grown stronger rather than grown weaker. I believe the exhortations of I Thessalonians played a major role in their journey even if they did not realize it at the moment.

I have received several testimonies this week from individuals in which God has answered their prayers. Today I celebrate with them and with you. I will leave them the opportunity to share their testimonies at the appropriate time. Let me share some words from a text message that I received on Tuesday. This is from someone who has walked through a true challenge in the recent days. Read these words carefully and allow the Spirit to speak to your heart. "I was reminded this morning that we can get caught up in all the bad things in our lives that we forget and we overlook all the good that GOD does for us."

WOW!!!   I Thessalonians 5:16-18, "Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (NKJV)

Pastor Mike

Monday, June 8, 2015

Guarding our Heart

Proverbs 7:2-4, "Obey my commands and live! Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes. 3  Tie them on your fingers as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. 4  Love wisdom like a sister; make insight a beloved member of your family." (NLT)

This passage of scripture has been on my heart for a few days. I truly believe that God is calling for us to examine our lives and review what is guiding our path of life. Whom or what is guiding your life today?

We are living in a dispensation of time that daily reminds us that we need our heart to be led, guided and directed by the correct source. We cannot afford to live our life based on some trial and error method. Some choices in life can operate under a trial and error method but we must be sure about the eternal destiny of our soul. We need a source of truth on which to base our decisions and a source of truth on which to build the foundation of our life. I firmly believe that source of truth is the Bible. Our life needs to be built on the solid foundation of Biblical truth and the principles that the Word will reveal to us.  

Each of us must realize that we should not try to cure what is wrong with our lives. It is true that human hands cannot change human hearts. Creation can be transformed only by its Creator. The deepest needs we face can be met only by the One who made us and loves us. When we refuse the healing of the Great Physician, the fault is not His but ours.

Will we take the time to read the guide book today? It truly contains the answers to our questions concerning our life decisions!!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Consistent Prayer

Ephesians 6:12, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (NIV)

A few days ago during prayer the Spirit dropped this passage of scripture in my heart. I have felt that I needed to share this reminder with you. Many of us have heard this passage preached, taught, discussed and possibly we have even quoted it ourselves as we "wrestled" with the challenges of life. Yet, I believe the statements found in this passage are still true today. We are involved in a war with "spiritual terrorists" who seek to overthrow and defeat the faith of believers all across the world. Various forms of media are reporting stories on a consistent basis that reveal and disclose atrocities that Christians are suffering around the world from the hands of these terrorists. What is our answer to these "struggles"?

1) We must realize that our struggles goes beyond the flesh. They are being perpetrated from spiritual forces who seek to overthrow the Kingdom of God. We must carefully read the words that the Spirit revealed through the writings of Paul. We can not afford to become discouraged or overwhelmed in this struggle. We must pray, pray again and pray some more. We must remember that it is our family, our friends, our church family and the extended family of God around the world that are under these attacks.

2) We must remember that we are not without weapons to use in this warfare. Let us also read another passage that the same Apostle Paul shared with us. It is found in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (NIV) Did I just hear a hearty "AMEN" from the congregation of believers that will read this blog? Let us remember that we are not left defenseless in this battle against the forces of evil. Jesus is fighting with us as well as for us in this struggle against the forces of evil and darkness.

3) Keep the faith and don't lose hope regardless of the circumstances or the situation. God will have the final word!!