Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Food for Thought

I Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray without ceasing." (NKJV)

I am confident that many of you who read this post today have heard this scripture passage either read or quoted on several occasions. It has been used to stir our passion concerning prayer and it has also served as a reminder to us that prayer is an important discipline in the life of each individual believer. But we also need to remember that this passage is part of the closing portion of the Apostle Paul's letter to the church at Thessalonica. Undoubtedly it can have a corporate meaning as well as an individual meaning.

I truly believe that the Spirit raised this passage in my heart yesterday as I was driving home after a very busy day of ministry. I began to think about this passage in various ways that had never entered my process of thought before yesterday. I was already a believer as well as a practitioner of the importance of Prayer. I am convinced that the church is called to pray and that there are individuals within a local congregation that have a "calling or ministry" to serve as Intercessors or what we have called Prayer Warriors. Many of us are finally realizing that we are living in a world of spiritual warfare. Prayer is one of the tools/weapons that God has provided for His people to use as we make war against our spiritual enemies. 

Let me share a few thoughts that came into my spirit on yesterday. There will always be people/situations/challenges/needs/etc. for us to pray about. "Pray without ceasing." There will always be different people praying at different times about different people/situations. "Pray without ceasing." Our daily lives should always contain moments in which we bow our hearts in prayer. "Pray without ceasing." The need or opportunity to pray will arise at moments other than the time that we spend in church. "Pray without ceasing." There will always be people who will ask you to ask your church family to pray for them and the needs that they are facing. "Pray without ceasing."

I was encouraged as I was reminded that there is never a wrong time to pray. We are called to be praying people. Do not wait to pray until you have to pray. Prayer is our way to connect with our Heavenly Father who is always aware of our needs as well as the needs of everyone else. Let prayer become a part of your daily regimen and begin to notice the difference that it WILL MAKE IN YOU!!!


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