Our local congregation is blessed to have several men and women who have served in the Armed Forces at some point in their lives. We are also blessed to have several of these individuals who retired from the Armed Forces after a distinguished and honorable career in the military. I offer my personal thanks and honor to each of these men and women today.
I encourage you to make sure this "holiday" is more than just a holiday. This is a day in which we need to remember that "FREEDOM IS NOT FREE." We need to remember that there has been and continues to be a great price being paid so that we can enjoy our freedom in America. Today can become a day of teaching for the children and youth of our nation. We have the awesome privilege to lead them into looking a little closer into the pages of history and realize that many honorable, brave and patriotic Americans have served their nation in the Armed Forces.
I would encourage you to focus your prayers on these special requests today. 1) Pray for the families of those soldiers or the support staff of those soldiers who gave their lives serving their nation. The families deserve our prayers and our thanks for the service their family member offered to our nation. 2) Let us pray for those brave men and women who are serving in the Armed Forces at this present time. Them and their families deserve our prayer covering and support today. It is still very dangerous to be an American soldier in the midst of this present political configuration of our world. 3) Let us remember to pray for our governmental leaders who are making the decisions concerning the future of our nation. We truly need the direction and guidance of God.
I have two final requests. Be sure and offer your thanks to those men and women who are serving in the Armed Forces. You may have the privilege and honor to cross paths with one of these brave men and women today. I would ask you to extend that same honor and respect to those brave men and women who have served in the Armed Forces at some point in their lives.