Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

Our local congregation is blessed to have several men and women who have served in the Armed Forces at some point in their lives. We are also blessed to have several of these individuals who retired from the Armed Forces after a distinguished and honorable career in the military. I offer my personal thanks and honor to each of these men and women today.

I encourage you to make sure this "holiday" is more than just a holiday. This is a day in which we need to remember that "FREEDOM IS NOT FREE." We need to remember that there has been and continues to be a great price being paid so that we can enjoy our freedom in America. Today can become a day of teaching for the children and youth of our nation. We have the awesome privilege to lead them into looking a little closer into the pages of history and realize that many honorable, brave and patriotic Americans have served their nation in the Armed Forces. 

I would encourage you to focus your prayers on these special requests today. 1) Pray for the families of those soldiers or the support staff of those soldiers who gave their lives serving their nation. The families deserve our prayers and our thanks for the service their family member offered to our nation. 2) Let us pray for those brave men and women who are serving in the Armed Forces at this present time. Them and their families deserve our prayer covering and support today. It is still very dangerous to be an American soldier in the midst of this present political configuration of our world. 3) Let us remember to pray for our governmental leaders who are making the decisions concerning the future of our nation. We truly need the direction and guidance of God.

I have two final requests. Be sure and offer your thanks to those men and women who are serving in the Armed Forces. You may have the privilege and honor to cross paths with one of these brave men and women today. I would ask you to extend that same honor and respect to those brave men and women who have served in the Armed Forces at some point in their lives. 


Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend Reminder

Romans 13:7, "Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due,customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)

Today begins a weekend that we reference as Memorial Day weekend. This time of remembrance was actually instituted by a group of Mothers who felt that the lives of their sons who had died in the Civil War were not being remembered and recognized. They set out on a mission to change that prevalent attitude. They not only cleaned up and decorated the graves of their sons but the graves of the other soldiers. This act of kindness and remembrance included the graves of those who had fought on the side of the enemies of their sons. Memorial Day became an official Federal Holiday in 1971.

This post is being written with a far deeper desire than to just bring a list of facts and figures to your attention. You can do your own personal research if that is what you interests you. My concern is a far deeper one that just facts. Let me preface my remarks by reminding you that my Dad was a WWII veteran. My Dad served in Company B of the 347th Infantry, in the 87th Infantry Division of Patton's 3rd Army. He received several battlefield awards, metals and recognition. His unit saw action at some of the major battles in the European theater of action. He passed away on March 31, 2016 at the age of 90. Needless to say that I was proud of my Dad when he was alive and now I feel even more pride as I celebrate the fact that he has passed on to his eternal reward. He was not only a soldier in the 3rd Army of the United States of America but he was also a faithful solider in the "Army of the Lord Jesus Christ" where he also served as a Minister with distinction and faithfulness.

But this post is not just about my Dad but it is about the fact that we need to follow the words that the Apostle spoke about in Romans 13. We need to show honor to those who deserve the honor. Is it possible that we have taken this time of remembrance and just turned it into a three (3) day weekend?  Americans have become a group of people that are excited about entertainment; we are excited about recreation; and we are excited about rest and relaxation. But in many cases we have very little time for remembering the right things and remembering that there have been soldiers who paid the ultimate price of service (death) so that we could enjoy all of the above mentioned social events. This weekend will be one of sadness for many families who have gone through the tragedy of losing a loved one on the battlefield or losing them as a result of injuries on the battlefield. WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO FORGET THESE VALIANT MEN AND WOMEN OF OUR ARMED FORCES!!!

Let us not forget those veterans who have brought home either physical or physiological injuries. The VA hospital as well as other hospitals are full of many soldiers who are fighting another war either in their mind or their body. It is possible that they will carry these "scars" the remainder of their days on earth. My Dad did not suffer a "wound" during his time of service yet he carried "scars" (both physical as well as emotional) with him until the final day of his life. I am not wanting to sound like a "righteous right wing extremist" in this post but I did feel that I needed to speak out for those who may not have a venue to speak for themselves. Taking a day off from work is fine. Eating a great meal with family/friends is a great idea. Going to church on Sunday is a wonderful idea (I couldn't resist saying that). 



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thoughts on Thursday

I am sure that many of you who read this blog understand the fact that we are facing "unique" times to say the least. My previous words are probably an understatement as we listen to the daily news casts that review the decisions and actions of the previous day. But I also understand and believe that the Grace of God is actively at work in the lives of those individuals who choose to follow Christ.

I see this day as a day in which we are being called on to make the correct life decisions that will arise in our lives. Some people may be asking themselves this question, "Will I have the strength and courage to make the correct decisions that I will face?" We will not have the needed strength if we rely on our strength BUT I believe that we will have the needed strength if we rely on the strength of God. He will provide what we need when we need it if we will learn to trust in Him and if we will learn to commit ourselves to Him.

We have been offering a Bible Study series on the Book of Daniel. The teacher of the class reminded the class of some of her observations of Daniel and his relationship with God. We may remember Daniel's challenge with the den of lions and we may even remember some of the dreams/visions that appeared to Daniel. But here are some thoughts that Sis. Barbara shared with us as we sought to learn about the inner workings of Daniel's relationship with God.

Three (3) powerful messages in Daniel:
  1) God blesses adversity
  2) God rewards faithfulness
  3) God disciplines nations

Four (4) basic principles in Daniel's life:
  1) Purpose (Daniel 1:8)
  2) Prayer (His prayer life was challenged by the new law that was put in place.)
  3) Perception (Daniel saw, heard and understood)
  4) Power (Daniel chapter 2, Daniel was placed in leadership above all of the wise men of the       nation.)

Each of us must allow God to develop our spiritual life in such a way that we will reach our full potential in Christ!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday's Inspiration

I was awakened with a song in my heart this morning. We sang this song at church for a period of time; it ministered to me at that time and it is ministering to me this morning even as I am typing these words. The song is "Counting on God" and I am familiar with the Phillips, Craig and Dean rendition. I would like to share a portion of the words of the song with you today. I sensed in my heart during prayer that someone would read this blog today who is facing some unusual challenges in your life. These "challenges" are beyond your power or ability and you are "counting on God" to come through for you. I want to encourage your faith today and remind you to place your confidence in God. Yes, we are involved in a war but it is not one in which we can win unless we depend on the power of God to move us through the challenges we are facing. But we must also realize the promise of God that is revealed in 1 John 4:4, "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." (NKJV)

"Counting On God"
I'm in a fight not physical
I'm in a war but not of this world
You are the light that's beautiful
I want more I want all that's Yours

Joy unspeakable that won't go away
Just enough strenght to live for the day
So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring
'Cause my faith's on solid rock and I'm counting on God
I am counting on I am counting on God
I am counting on I am counting on God
I am counting on I am counting on God
I am counting on I am counting on God

The miracle of Christ is in me
The mystery that sets me free
I'm nothing like I used to be
Just open up your eyes
You'll see 

Let me declare this one more time, "I AM COUNTING ON GOD!!" 

I encourage you to make that same declaration today!!!

Monday, May 23, 2016

New Week

Good morning from KY on this Monday morning!! A new week is upon us and it is full of the unknown. But we do have a sure promise that Christ has promised to be with us regardless of the circumstances or situations that we may face. I can walk in the confidence of that promise that has been revealed in the Word of God. Do you remember these words from a very popular song, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow..." The scripture passages in the Bible as well as these words bring strength and comfort to my heart as I move forward in my journey of life. 

The Spirit reminded me of a wonderful passage of scripture as I was praying this morning. I would like to share it with you.

Lamentations 3:22-26, 
"Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. 24  “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!” 25  The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him. 26  It is good that one should hope and wait quietly For the salvation of the Lord." (NKJV)

The Spirit has reminded me about the "freshness and newness" of God over the past few weeks. We do not have to live off stale, day old bread or drink from a fountain that is providing stagnant and putrid water. There is fresh bread and there is living water being provided by our Heavenly Father. 

I have sensed the Lord encouraging me with these words in my spirit; "There is an unique anointing for an unique time for an unique people." God is calling us "back to LIFE IN HIM." The enemy is seeking to drain the life out of the people of God. The enemy is seeking to remover the power of God from the family of God. The enemy does not want us to trust in God and neither does the enemy want us to follow God.

But I believe that God is raising up an army of His people that will "break every chain, break every chain, break every chain..." But we must be "all in." We can not afford to be walking away from God we must chose to be walking toward God and walking with God. 

Are you willing to be a part of that army that will see radical change come to the church in America? 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thoughts for Thursday

The Lord placed the following scriptures on my heart early this morning. Let me make this disclaimer as I share these words on the blog today. I am very much concerned about the spiritual condition of the church in this day and time. I am truly not wanting to say these words in a harsh, critical, or judgmental manner. And I know you have heard and read those words before at some point in your life. It is usually at that point that people than begin to unload their "spiritual superiority" ammunition on you. I really do not want that attitude to come across this blog today. I desire to be a help and not a hindrance to the Body of Christ. I do remember that it was the blood of Christ that purchased the church and that the church is very near and dear to the heart of God.

But I am concerned about the spiritual condition of the church; but I also believe that God is a God that is in pursuit of us. But we must quit running from Him and start running TOWARD HIM. God still has the answers for the all of the ills, difficulties, and sins that this generation of humanity is facing. We have to be willing to make the choice to follow God with full surrender and complete obedience. Remember these words are not just directed toward you; no, a thousand times no. EACH OF US need to allow the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts and draw us closer to Him. I am offering myself to God in that manner on a daily basis.

I ask that we allow this scripture to speak to our hearts. Then I am asking that we respond appropriately after we listen to what the Spirit says to us.

Revelation 3:15-17, “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked—" (NJKV)

Revelation 3:15-17, “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!17 You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked." (NLT)

Revelation 3:15-17, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked." (NIV)

Have a Spirit-filled Day!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

God Remembers

Hebrews 6:10, "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them." (NIV)

Have you ever wondered if your life really matters and if you are truly making a difference in this world? I am sure that many of us at certain times in our lives have encountered those thoughts. But let me answer that question for you as well as myself. Yes, your life does matter and yes you are making a difference. But we live in a world that looks for instant results but there are times that life calls for to us to wait until the final results are tallied. 

This is an election year across America. Modern technology allows us to watch the results of the votes that were cast in any given election. The initial numbers put on the screen of the television DO NOT always match the final results (You can check the headlines of some newspapers in the Presidential Election of 1948). The full count of the votes allows the Election Commission to announce the winner. Just remember that your life has covered more than just one day, more than just one moment or more than just one attempt to help someone. Remember the words of today's scripture, "he (God) will not forget your work..."

God calls us to remain faithful to the process of His Spirit working in our hearts. We are to serve faithfully, sincerely and obediently. One man plants, another man waters but it is God who gives the increase. God will not forget any effort you or I make to share His Love and Grace with this hurting world. Just continue to look for opportunities to share the Love of God and assist people in any manner that you can!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


I am at a place in my spiritual journey in which God is reinvigorating my hunger for His presence, His power and His direction in my life. I have sought after the above mentioned desires in my life for many years. Those thoughts have been in my heart and those words have come out of mouth during prayer time for many years. Yet, those same words have taken on a new meaning and a new reality over the past few months.

I know that it is God who is raising up this "fresh and new" desire in my heart to pursue a deeper relationship with Him. I am sure that some of this "fresh and new" desire is arising from the moral abyss that our nation is entering. But I will admit that these feelings concern me but there is even a greater concern that floods my soul during prayer time. I am even more concerned about the "spiritual abyss" that I see being formed in the lives of many believers. There are far too many believers sitting on the spiritual sideline so to speak. We have become content to be observers rather than participants in this spiritual warfare. And trust me, it is spiritual warfare that we are facing. Dare I say it, but I believe that only the "strong in the Lord" will survive the attacks that satan is placing against the family of God. I am desiring to not only survive but I am planning to live victoriously through the power of Jesus Christ which is able to "break every chain, break every chain, break every chain."

I want to share something that I read this morning during my devotional time. These words struck a chord in my heart and I believe that it is very possible that the same thing could happen to you. In The Case for Faith, journalist Lee Strobel interviews Peter Kreeft, a world-class philosopher, who makes the following statement: “The Bible says, ‘Seek and you shall find.’ It doesn’t say that everybody will find him; it doesn’t say nobody will find him. Some will find him. Who? Those who seek.”

These words immediately brought this scripture passage to my mind. Joshua 24;15, "And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lordchoose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)

Will YOU choose to seek Him today?

Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday Morning Reflections

Monday morning is a time that I spend in reflection but I also spend time planning for the future. I look back to see what I can learn from my yesterdays but then I began to look at ways that I can apply what I have learned. Knowledge is not very profitable unless it is applied to my future days of life on earth. The Spirit will continually adjust our "learning curve" if we will take the time to listen to His Voice and follow the guidance that He will share with us. I want to be obedient, that sill pleases our Heavenly Father.

I would like to share with you a portion of a note that I emailed our church family today. Read from your individual spiritual perspective and listen for God to speak to your heart.

Good morning on the first day of the rest of our lives. Yesterday is in the history books and now we are preparing to take the next steps into our future!

But do we fully realize who desires to walk with us into the uncertainty of our future. It is the Lord God Almighty, the one who is alive and powerful. I would encourage each of us to personally reflect on the presence of God in our daily lives. He desires to direct, guide, and lead us into the correct path of life. We just have to trust Him and lean on Him for His provision of Grace and Love. 

I wanted to thank those who prayed for yesterday's service. I heard comments such as "Awesome, Wonderful, Spirit-filled, Anointed, Encouraging, etc." as people were leaving the sanctuary. I can honestly say this, "God was in the house and that needs were met." I received personal testimonies from people as well as text messages to verify my previous statement. First of all, we offer our praise, adoration and appreciation to God for releasing His Spirit into our lives. Second, I applaud all of those who chose to obey and respond to the call of the Spirit. Third, we MUST REALIZE that is the Spirit calling us to walk closer to God and NOT JUST THE PASTOR!!!

But here is the $64,000 question that we must answer. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Do we build a monument to this service and park at this location? We have enjoyed great services before Sunday although Sunday was an unique day for sure. Do we stop our pursuit of God and just take it easy for a little while longer? 

I don't think these are the options that God has placed before us. He is calling us to follow Him into the fullness of His promises. There are more victories to win. There are more chains to be broken. They are more miracles to see. They are more people that need a healthy, living, growing and maturing relationship with Christ. I REFUSE to stop at our present spiritual location. God has more to reveal to us. I am asking for more prayer this week and for more prayer warriors to answer the call to pray for the services.

Don't you believe it is time for EACH OF US TO PRAY?

Friday, May 13, 2016

Are You Concerned?

My heart and spirit are troubled as I view the actions that are taking place in our society. I fully understand and believe that sinners are going to do what sinners are going to do. I may not be able to change the decisions of the culture but I do have the opportunity as well as responsibility to do my best to make good decisions concerning my life. But I will not be able to resist the tide of this culture through the power of my own strength. I must depend on the strength of God that will come through the deepening and maturation of my relationship with Him! But I must ask myself these questions; "Am I prepared to take the journey with God? Or am I going to become content with the status quo of my walk with Christ?"

It does not take a prophet or preacher to recognize the fact that we are facing a growing list of concerns in our world. These concerns stretch across the spectrum of personal, family, church and even national concerns. We are living in a day and time in which our walk with Christ is being challenged on so many fronts at once. We are seeing the forces of darkness attempt to defeat and overthrow our faith through various strategies and tactics. The enemy is also seeking to “lull us into a state of spiritual sleep.” Satan desires to wear out our faith and wear down our resistance. Have you heard a Doctor say these words to you or say them to someone you know? “Your body is worn down and your resistance to this infection is very low” and in some cases you may even hear the Doctor say, “You are just too tired to fight off this infection.” I have even heard parents say that their children had “worn down” their resistance so they finally just gave in to the demands of the children. Isn’t that one of the ways that satan is working against us. He is “wearing down” our spiritual resistance to the point that we just decide to surrender to his lies and we just simply lose the will to fight through these attempts.   
We must choose to make the right decision to follow Christ regardless of the cost that we may face. Do you remember the old song; "Heaven will surely be worth it all..."

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Returning From My Absence

It has been several weeks since I have made any posts to the blog. As I began to to write, I wondered if my "absence has made your heart grow fonder." I am not asking for replies or comments for sure: just a small attempt at some humor. 

My initial absence began with the illness of my Dad and his subsequent passing into His eternal reward. Ann and I were blessed to be able to spend the last few days of Dad's life with my Mom, siblings, other family members as well as friends who came to the hospital to visit. I believe we did things that Dad approved of and he even participated in them when his body allowed him during the final few days of his life. We sang together, we prayed together, we reminisced together, we laughed together and we certainly cried together. We rejoiced in the fact that Dad's earthly race was about to finish but he had ran his race with faith, courage, obedience and a desire to help others. I now realize one of the reasons that I may have avoided writing on the blog as I am typing these words. I sense the emotions that I felt as I stood in his hospital room and said good-bye to him over the period of a few days. I was both proud and thankful to be his son that day and I am still thankful that I am his son today. My Dad left a wonderful legacy of loving his family and loving those people that he served through the years. I am very much determined to pick up the mantle and carry this legacy as far as my life will allow me to carry it. 

I stepped away from writing this post so that I could pray about my life's desire to see people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Savior. My Dad lived almost one week past his 90th birthday, He passed away clutching a Gideon's New Testament in his hand. I have no idea how many of these he had given away through the years of his journey on Earth, I did not mean to make this post just about him but more about the fire that burned in his heart to see hurting people receive the help that they needed. I desire for my heart to be consumed with that same fire, that same passion and that same commitment to the cause of Jesus Christ. Oh God, awaken your church once more in this day and time. We live in a world of hurting, broken and overwhelmed people. BUT the Bible still possesses the message of salvation, deliverance and healing!!

Dear Lord, send the fire of God upon our lives as we approach Pentecost Sunday!! AMEN!!