Good afternoon from Louisville! Today I choose to celebrate a Risen Savior that is actively involved in my life and my personal journey through this world. These words from a song came into my mind as I am typing these words; "I have a friend in Jesus, He is everything to me..." Aren't you glad that you and I can lay claim to the the fact that Jesus Christ is our friend as well as our personal Savior?
March 1st is Ash Wednesday. This day signifies the beginning of Lent. Lent in my opinion becomes a wonderful opportunity for each of us to evaluate, appreciate and use these 40 days to examine OUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!! I know that it is easier to take an in-depth look at the lives of others but Lent calls us (me) to take an in-depth look at our lives as individual believers. I can very easily examine your life and point out areas that I believe needs either changing or improvement. But will I be this honest with myself as opposed to being that honest and open with you about your walk with Christ?
This post is not meant to criticize or scrutinize anyone's relationship with God. I should have began this post with this disclaimer. "Realize that I sincerely and truly believe that God is calling EACH ONE OF US TO A MORE INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM!! In my opinion far too many believers are settling for a surface relationship with God rather than an intimate, life changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Is my relationship with Christ passive or active? Am I seeking to develop my relationship with God or have I grown content with the status quo of my relationship?This is not about making you and I doubt our salvation but it is about challenging us to enter into that "abundant life" that Jesus spoke about in John 10."
Prayer for Lent: "Dear God, let our lives be lived in a manner that reveals the fact that our walk with Christ is more than just an assortment of religious words that we have learned to memorize!!"
1 John 3:18, "My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth." (NKJV)