1 Peter 2:5, “you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through
Jesus Christ.” (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)
Last evening's Discipleship Class is on my mind and in my spirit this morning. We have been discussing our need to draw closer to God which will bring us into the continuing development of our relationship with Him. I truly believe that there are far too many Christians who are not seriously pursing the development of their relationship with Christ. They have grown content, satisfied, and static in their journey with Christ.
Doctors are encouraging people to resist the temptation to become a "couch potato." Doctors are encouraging their patients to be active so that their body will continue to function appropriately. Walking is one of the tools that the health community is promoting to assist these Doctors in getting people "off the couch" and into a routine of exercise. Some have accepted this effort while others have resisted this effort. Why is that taking place across our community? I have a simple answer; the couch is far more comfortable than exercise. Exercise requires effort. Sitting or laying on a couch requires very little effort. Exercise requires discipline. Sitting or laying on a couch just requires forming a habit or a routine. Exercise moves us out of our comfort zone. Sitting or laying on the couch becomes our comfort zone.
Each of us needs to ask ourselves this question. "How would I rate my "spiritual exercise" on a scale of 1-10?" This question is not meant to criticize anyone but IT IS MEANT TO CHALLENGE EACH OF US TO REALIZE THAT WE MUST BECOME DISCIPLINED IN OUR WALK WITH CHRIST!! The enemy of our soul wants us to remain on the "couch" and not respond to the call of "spiritual development." I believe that each of us needs to make spiritual development a top priority in our lives.
I am praying that 2017 will be a year of SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT in each of our lives. Can you imagine the difference in our individual lives as well as the "corporate church" if each of us set a goal to become more like Christ this year? I am persuaded that a mighty awakening would take place in our communities as people encountered a group of Christians who were determined to reflect the love of God in the midst of the challenges that we are facing.
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