I do not want to sound harsh, critical or judgmental when I ask you to think with me concerning these concerns of mine. I am just convinced that I am going to need a deeper, stronger, and more passionate relationship with God as we continue to move forward into the future. We are unsure of the future events but there are two facts that we do know is real; we know that God will be present and we also know that the enemy of our soul will do all in his power of overthrow our faith. I am determined to reach into the armory of God's weaponry and receive the weapons I need to defeat, rebuke, resist and overcome the strategies of the enemy that will rise against me.
I encourage you to take the time and notice the word "with" in the words of Jesus. Jesus did not use the word "when"; He used the word "with." I believe that far too many believers are using the word "when" in reference to their passionate love for God. I will love Him "when" my life is not as hectic as it is now. I will love God "when" I have gotten my life in order and taken care of certain sins or activities that I am practicing. I will love God "when" it is easier and there is not as much going on in my life. I will love God "when" it is more convenient and I am not as busy with life. I will love God "when" I have gotten a better job or once I have gotten married. I will serve God "when" the timing is right. It is just not the right time for me to get involved in all of this "God stuff and church stuff..."
I could continue writing these sentences all day. I have heard many "reasons" over the years as to the reason why people do not have time for God in their lives. I understand that life is challenging. Take a moment and look at the people in the Bible who chose to follow God. Their lives were also full of challenges, struggles and decisions that they had to make. Yet they found the strength, courage, resolve and passion to pursue their relationship with God.
Jesus' life on earth was not a "bed of roses" yet He persevered until the final day when He LAID DOWN HIS LIFE ON THE CROSS FOR YOU AND FOR ME!! Was His death convenient? Was His death easy? Did He wait for a better day or a day with less stress or challenges? It was the Love that Christ possessed for humanity that led Him to the cross to die for our sins. I am determined to follow my Savior!! I am determined to love my Savior!! I am determined to serve my Savior to the best of my ability!! I am determined to love God to the best of my ability!!!
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