This is another wonderful day in which God is calling us to draw closer to Him. I truly believe there are Christians who are failing to seriously and sincerely recognize God's call to them concerning their relationship with Him. It is far easier to grow content with a "form of godliness" than it is to pursue a developing relationship with Christ!! I am speaking to myself as well as to those who will take the time to read this blog post.
I can very easily grow comfortable and content with just going thought the motions of the "religious information" that I deposited in my mind through my life. But isn't it more to our relationship with God than Him just sharing information with us? These words from Dwight Moody challenged my heart this morning. "The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation." WOW!! Now isn't that a challenging revelation? Satan wants us to live through our knowledge of information and God desires for us to live through the "power of transformation."
Our Bible Study group raised several wonderful thoughts last night as we discussed the need to seriously approach our relationship with God. There is a great battle raging in the spiritual atmosphere that is seeking to interfere in our desire to see our relationship with God reach its full potential. But we must continue to "hunger and thirst" after His righteousness to be deposited in our journey of life.
I will list a few comments that were made during our time of conversation concerning the development our relationship with God.
1) We must continually desire more of God's presence, direction and guidance.
2) We must continue to focus on our need to offer sincere worship and praise to God for all of the blessings that we have received from God.
3) We must be honest and open with God as we come before Him in confession and connection.
4) We must look for the blessings of God. And we must identify those blessings and testify of those blessings to others.
5) We must acquaint ourselves with the Word of God.
This may be a good time to write down or at least think about some actions that you can take that will serve as a means of strengthening your relationship with God.
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