Monday, August 3, 2009

Weekend Services

I was given the opportunity to attend church this past weekend at Eastside Praise Ministry Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Pastor Michael & Sherry Smith are doing an awesome job in leading the local body into a deeper walk in the Kingdom of God. Pastor Mike has become a great friend and spiritual leader in my life over the past several years and I am blessed by His heart for God and His heart for reaching people with the message of Christ. During the sermon yesterday morning the Spirit through the Word that was delivered reminded me that God still has a plan for my life and that He is aware of the future opportunities that await me. Although I have served God for many years and preached the Gospel since 1971 God still has plans for the rest of my journey. Someone who reads this blog today will also need to be reminded of that revelation. You may feel that God has somehow forgotten you and that you have gotten lost in the crowd but God knows exactly where you are located and there are promises yet to be fulfilled in your life. Don't give in to the assault of the devil but trust in the Love and Grace of God as you continue listening for His Voice of Direction. God is faithful to His Word and He is faithful to His children! I was asked to share the Word of God in the evening service and the Lord released a marvelous anointing. I felt impressed to remind those in the service that each of them were blessed with gifts, talents, and abilities that needed to be used for the glory of God. This is not the time to dig a hole and hide the gifting that God has placed in your heart. But this is the time to find a place to serve in the Kingdom and release those gifts that God has deposited in your life. There is a great reward for those who offer their service to God with a willing and obedient heart. Many times we are asked to serve out of the limelight of the observation of man but rest assured God is always aware of all that you do for for the sake of the spreading of the Gospel message. Take a moment today and take a quick inventory of what you can do for God rather than focusing on what you can not do. I read a statement one time and it has stuck with me through the years; "God is not as interested in your abilities as He is interested in your availability." Make yourself available to God and watch Him work in your life.

1 comment:

  1. mike first of all i would like to thank God for your service and your commitment to you know i have been sitting on the sidelines for a use a football analogy i have been on the injury list,but thank God it was the injury reserved list. I hadn't been cut from the team. but i realized this morning i have got to get back in the game. i have got to make myself available to him. like you said God still has a plan for me. so i ask you to keep me in your prayers as i always will you.
