Thursday, July 30, 2009

Daily Living

Over the past few days I have been sharing thoughts that God has placed in my heart over the past several days. The seed of these thoughts were planted in my heart this past weekend at the Kentucky State Conference but I have come to realize that they have been the cry in my heart for some time. God is calling for our actions to match the words that we speak. Words that are connected to Christ and His mission to this earth are spoken on a daily basis throughout our nation. But are our daily actions and lifestyle matching what people are hearing us say? Is my life fully reflecting the heart of God not just in "religious" words but in true actions regarding the needs of those that are around me? It seems that God desires for me to reinforce this principle to us today. As I was praying this morning the Spirit reminded me of the passage in Matthew 15:7-8; "Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: These people draw near to me with their mouth. And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from me" (NKJV). Can you not sense the challenge in this passage of scripture? The actions of the people were not matching what was being spoken out of their mouths. I do not want to be captured in that spirit of hypocrisy. Certainly people need to hear the truth of God but they also need to see the action of God's love and concern being revealed through us. Am I truly reflecting the heart of God for fallen mankind? I can speak great words about grace, mercy, compassion, etc but is my life reflecting these same principles to people who are in desperate need for God to assume control of their lives? What do people say about me and my walk with Christ when I am not present? What legacy am I leaving behind with my family and friends? Do people see Christ is me or do they just hear the words that I speak to them about Christ? Prayer Thought: Dear God, help me to draw near to you so that my actions will truly reflect the words that I speak to you as well as the words that I speak to others. AMEN!

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