Saturday, July 18, 2009


Bishop Larry Duncan (Cleveland, TN) taught a powerful and challenging sermon on Worship last evening. The Lord spoke a mighty Word through him as he took us down the road of Worship through the life of King David. I will not try to re-teach or re-preach this sermon but I do want to share some personal revelation that God placed in my heart. Worship is not just a time slot in service prior to the delivery of the sermon or message. True Worship must become a lifestyle not just a few "dedicated" moments that I offer to God. I want to do more than appease God in some form of religious activity; I want to offer to Him my sincere adoration and recognition of who is He and what He offers to this hurting world. Worship must come from my heart and not just from my lips. I must be willing to Worship God even if it goes against the prevailing attitudes of the world and those that are around me. I must be willing to offer to God the highest praise and gratitude for all that He has provided for me. I could go in more detail but I just wanted you to sense a portion of the Word that was deposited in our lives last evening at the AL Convention. I was given the privilege to follow Bro. Duncan with an exhortation and invitation. The Lord impressed upon me the need to interact with God. Worship is a time of interaction and participation with God. As I proceeded to invite people to come forward to Worship and Praise God the anointing of the Holy Spirit moved into the place. The power of "ministry" began to erupt among the participants with God and needs were met. People were slain in the Spirit, some received the baptism of the Spirit, and others were encouraged to continue their pursuit of the will of God for their lives. I want to declare this to you today; true Worship opens the door of opportunity for God to release His ministering spirit in our lives. Make the commitment, become a worshipper today and see what God will do in your life.

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