Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend Services

I was privileged to attend the State Conference of the Churches of God of Prophecy in Kentucky. I attended this meeting as a participant to receive the ministry of the Word and of the Spirit. Ministers need to receive the ministry of the Word and Spirit as God uses others to sow into our lives. Those who are in the position of giving also need to learn to sit in the position of being taught, encouraged, and edified concerning the things of the Kingdom. I am excited to report that my life was impacted in a tremendous manner though my participation in the services. Each session of the Conference that I attended impacted and influenced my life in a very practical manner. This is what I mean by that statement; the Word and the Spirit desire for us to apply the principles of truth that are being revealed to us from the heart of God. That must become the cry of our heart; God desires to fill your life and mine with more than just information, Christ came to bring transformation to humanity. I desire to apply the principles of God to my life in such a manner that my daily walk with God will reflect His presence at work in me. J. Scott Gillum, the State Administrative Bishop of the Churches of God in Kentucky made this statement in his sermon; "It is time for the church to move from relationship to resemblance." He alluded to the fact that we need to start looking and acting like the heart of the Father rather than just talking about the heart of the Father. The Word that he spoke resonated deep in my heart. Is it not a lot easier to talk in glowing terms about the principles of God then it is to put those practices into operation into our daily lives? I once heard a Minister say it this way; "It is time not just to talk the talk but it is time to walk the walk." Have you ever heard the term "he/she is just full of hot air?" Normally that term was used to describe someone who made a lot of noise but not much action followed the noise that they made. I do not want to be full of "spiritual hot air"; I do not want to make a lot of "noise" and never put into action the principles of Jesus Christ. Would you join me today in asking God to help us practice what He is teaching us? Great blessings and opportunities await those who will obey the unction of God that the Body of Christ is sensing at this moment. Take time today to recommit your life to obeying God; He is still looking for obedient people to serve Him.

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