Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Proverbs 16:17: "The highway of the upright avoids evil; he who guards his way guards his life" (NIV). Each of us face daily decisions that not only impact our lives but these decisions also impact the lives of those people that surround us. We face the challenge/opportunity of making the correct decisions but we are confident that the Holy Spirit is with us to guide our decision making process. We need to be thankful that we are not alone on this journey but that God is ever present and ever ready to guide our path. But this is the question that we all must answer; "Am I willing to surrender my life into His hands completely?" Am I truly willing for Him to reign as Lord and King or do I only want Him as Savior? It is easy to surrender to the One who can forgive us but do we truly desire for Him to lead us? I read this anonymous quote in my personal journal and it spoke to my heart and I wanted to share it with you today. "The future lies before you like a field of driven snow, Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show." I do not desire for this post to intimidate us into fear of our walk with God. But I do sense the urgency to remind all of us of the responsibility that we face as we are making the decisions for our future. We need to understand that we can influence people either negatively or positively by how we conduct ourselves. I truly desire to be a positive influence in this world and represent Christ in the best manner that I can; after all He has called us to be ambassadors of His to this lost and hurting world. Let out steps represent a life that is being led by the Spirit and not driven by the desires of the flesh. All of us must remember that each of us face the daily war between the flesh and the Spirit; but God has given us the authority and ability to overcome the flesh and live in the power of the Spirit. Thank God for His amazing Grace!

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