This week is usually referred to by the term "Holy Week." The path of Christ moves from the triumphant entry into Jerusalem until we find Him hanging on the cross for the sins of mankind. Throughout the past several months the Spirit keeps reminding me that we can not forget the price that was paid for our rescue from sin. The death of Christ was difficult for Him but life-changing for those who choose to believe in His Grace and Mercy. We must allow this week to be on in which we reflect on the wonderful and awesome love of God and commit ourselves to sharing that love with a lost and hurting world. Remembrance and responsibility seem to go hand in hand as we understand the purpose of the death of Christ and as we understand our purpose as disciples of Christ. If we leave either of these thoughts out of our thinking then we are more than likely to live beneath the standard of our full potential.
When we think about the crucifixion we can become overwhelmed by the physical and emotional suffering that Christ endured. We can remember the beating that He received, we can remember the crown of thorns that was placed on His head, we can remember the nails that were driven into His hands and feet, and we can even remember the shame and mocking that He received at the hands of His enemies. But during the crucifixion, much more was taking place than we can fully comprehend. Jesus was setting in motion His plan to offer salvation to lost humanity. The plan to rescue fallen man was being implemented right before the eyes of those who stood at the foot of the cross. Today we are unable to physically stand at the foot of the cross but the Bible reveals the truth of those moments and through this account we are able to lay hold of the promises of God. Let us fully reflect on these promises and offer sincere gratitude to our Savior for His willingness to suffer in our place on the cross. Take a moment and share this good news with someone today.
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