Friday, April 8, 2011

Personal Reflection

Yesterday was an unique day. I spent a good portion of the morning with a young Minister who has a strong and burning desire to serve Christ. He also possesses a passion to develop and disciple this younger generation so they can be equipped to defend their faith but also be equipped to live out their faith. Aren't each of us called to live out our faith? The afternoon found me attending a funeral celebration of a Ministry colleague for over 34 years. William Norton had served many years as a bi-vocational Pastor in Kentucky. I was given the privilege to serve the Norton family as Pastor when we first moved to Kentucky. Both of these men come from diverse backgrounds as well as different generations but they possessed a common characteristic; their passion for Christ and the passion to share the Good News of the Gospel. Each of these men in their own way challenged me to examine the status of my passion for Christ and the Gospel message. I went to see Bro. Norton in the hospital recently just to let him know that I loved and appreciated him. I emailed the young Minister last night to let him know that I was blessed by our time of sharing. Take the opportunity to thank those people who have caused you to examine your relationship with Christ. You and I are indebted to those teachers and preachers who have caused us to think about Christ and His work in our lives.

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