Yesterday I was able to spend some time with our youngest grandson, Carson. On several occasions throughout the day Carson would walk up to me and utter these words, "Poppy, I love you." At the conclusion of these words he would walk away and resume what he was doing prior to his conversation with me. Naturally I would reply to him that I loved him and that I thanked him for telling me that he loved me.
My interaction with Carson reinforced the truth that God was teaching me yesterday. I need to be open to any opportunity to share my love with my Heavenly Father. I know that I am to give God praise and thanks in the midst of all my circumstances but there are times that my words may ring hollow. I can say them without truly being thankful and appreciative of all that God is doing in my life. Isn't is always a challenge to be thankful in the midst of a difficult day when it seems that things are headed in a different direction than you had planned?
The joy of hearing Carson's words brought this thought to my mind; his words were spoken with true sincerity and genuine love. The love that he possesses for Poppy brought him to my side to declare his feelings toward me. Carson's actions were not driven by any ulterior motive although grandchildren have been known to play on the heart strings of their grandparents. I can honestly say that Carson did not ask for any favors or any actions on my part. He simply wanted to take a moment and express his love for his Poppy. How long has it been since we were driven to the presence of God just to express our gratitude and love for Him? We did not ask for anything; we just wanted Him to know that we loved Him and that we were glad that He had taken an interest in our lives. I know that there are times in which we bring our needs to God in prayer but there should also be times in which we come to God just to express our love. Thank you Carson for reminding Poppy of my need to express my love to God. Thank you Carson for loving Poppy and for your willingness to tell me that you love me without me having to provide anything in return for your expression to me. Let us come to God in praise and thanksgiving for all of His many benefits.
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