Many of you are aware of my leadership participation in a church plant in Radcliff/Fort Knox, Kentucky. New River Worship Center has experienced an outpouring of the Spirit over the past several months in which we have have seen people saved, healed, encouraged, and strengthened. These blessings from God have caused us to seek out the possibilities of relocation. We have outgrown our present facility and we are needing room to see the expansion of the ministry efforts.
Yesterday was the culmination of the initial stages of relocation. The trustees of New River signed the closing documents on a piece of property in Radcliff which will allow us the opportunity to expand. We give God all of the praise and honor for this blessing and opportunity. The provision of God has made all of these faith steps possible; it has not been the work of man but it has been the work of the Holy Spirit. We have sought and we continue to seek to follow the Spirit and refuse to become trapped in walking in the strength of the flesh. Now the process of preparing the building for worship services begins. The building that we purchased has never served as a church building so we will need to rearrange some of the rooms as well as develop a large unfinished room into our worship area. But we believe that God has brought us to this point and He will continue to complete what He has initiated.
First, we ask for your continued prayers. One of the major spiritual building blocks of this outreach effort has been an emphasis on prayer. We ask that you pray for God to give direction, wisdom, and the finances that we need to complete this project. Second, we ask that you pray about making an a financial investment in this project. This is a "missions project" in America. We are a fully sanctioned 501C3 corporation. Your contributions are tax deductible. These contributions will be placed in the building fund and designated for the use on this project. You can mail these contributions to New River Worship Center, P.O. Box 426, Elizabethtown, KY, 42701. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning this outreach effort.
Feel free to contact me concerning family or friends that may live in the area of Elizabethtown or the Radcliff area. Radcliff is located next to the Fort Knox military facility. We would be glad to make contact with any family or friends that you may have that are stationed at Fort Knox.