I would like to continue the thought that is connected to yesterday's scripture. God desires to provide the supernatural work in our lives that we need as we face the challenge and opportunities of life. Let us remember that the challenges of life do provide those moments in which God releases His awesome power to meet those needs. We must recognize that those difficulties are designed to strengthen our faith and not to defeat our faith. We must recognize that those difficulties are to help us walk in active faith and their purpose is not to defeat our faith. The above statements are not meant to belittle the struggles that we face or even diminish the weight of those individual struggles. The above statements are meant to remind us that the struggles we face do not have to hinder or defeat our faith but through the presence of Christ we can release our faith and see God to do His work in our hearts.
The Word of God reminds us that He does want us to trust Him with all of our heart and mind. This means that we will need to trust Him in good times as well as in the bad times we encounter. I truly believe that the Holy Spirit will counteract doubt, fear, and lack of trust with trusting thoughts that will move us through the difficult moments of life. The Spirit will bring the Word to our remembrance and the Word will be the foundation on which we stand as we face the tide of trials and battles. I am learning to cooperate with God rather than resisting God as He is working to strengthen my faith. I must not rely on my own understanding and trust in the ability of human knowledge. I must resist the tendency to exert control over my life but I must willingly surrender my will to God and allow Him to direct my steps. That "spirit of surrender" can be challenging especially when I think that I possess the proper solution to the problem. The presence of the attitude of surrender allows me to wait in confidence as I sense the presence of God at work in my daily life. Psalm 37:5, "Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." (NJKV)
We can truly find rest in peace in the promises of God!
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