Season of Seeking: This is a term that is being used by some during the first few weeks of January as we turn our hearts toward God. Titles, phrases, or even programs don't necessarily move the heart of God. Sincere action and a humble response to the "call from God" to seek His face is what touches the heart of our Heavenly Father. There is certainly no shortage of things, situations and concerns to pray about. But I encourage you to spend some of your time in prayer focusing on your personal relationship with Christ. I am asking you to read Jeremiah 18:3-4 at some point this week. We are the clay and God is the potter. He desires to mold and shape us but are we willing to present our lives to Him? This action of surrender can only be accomplished through prayer.
This challenge from the writings of Adrian Rogers spoke to my heart this morning:
"The making of pottery is one the oldest arts known to men. A potter takes clay and molds it and squeezes it until it is soft and pliable. It is a beautiful thing to watch: a vessel of beauty or a vessel of service, or both, emerge from that ugly clay. God is the potter. We are His workmanship. God is the Master Workman, working on us. Think of yourself as the clay and see what God can do with you, for He is at work in your life. Though you may not understand it now, every turn of the wheel has been a part of God’s plan. If He does not rule, God overrules. He’s going to turn every Calvary to an Easter, every midnight to a sunrise. He is going to turn every tear to a pearl and make a diadem for you."
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