Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Reflection & Preparation

Hebrews 10:22, " let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water." (NLT)
I believe that the ending of a another year and the beginning of a new year allow us an opportunity to accomplish two tasks in our lives. We are given the opportunity to reflect on and remember events of the past year that affected our lives both positively as well as negatively. But the beginning of a new year affords us the opportunity to prepare our hearts in a manner of dedication and surrender to the plan of God for our lives. But I also must understand that I need to use these opportunities wisely. I can use the past to overly criticize myself for my failures or I can also over-inflate my successes and put more emphasis on what I did rather than offering praise and adoration to God for the victories that He provided. We must be careful to handle these opportunities in such a manner that we find ourselves closer to God and not further away from God.
The writer to the Hebrews remind us to enter the presence of God "with sincere hearts fully trusting Him." Another translation uses the word "true" to describe the condition and temperament of our heart as we enter the presence of God. We must remember that God desires for us to draw near to Him but this drawing closer to God must take place under His plan and guidance. God's plan includes the great blessing of being able to draw near to Him through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ on the cross. I also believe that God desires for us to have fellowship with Him. I am learning that prayer becomes my opportunity to have fellowship with God. Prayer is more than just a time to unload my burdens or the needs of others on the altar to God. Prayer opens the door for me (you) to enjoy a time of sincere and open fellowship with the Father. Don't you relish those moments of pure joy with your family when everything else is set aside for a time of enjoyment with your family at your side? God does not want us to live life at a distance from Him. God has made provision for us to draw near and we need to accept that invitation without hesitation and without reservation.
RSVP to the 2014 invitation to draw closer to God with "a sincere heart fully trusting Him."

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