Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Remembrance, Part 2

Psalm 103:1-2, "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:" (KJV)
Yesterday's post reminded us of the need to remember those wonderful benefits that accompany placing our faith and trust in God. I trust that you took some time to meditate and reflect on the benefits that accompany our relationship with God. I am sure that many who read this blog have needs that are similar to those I face at this present time. If we do not possess a personal need at this time we certainly know someone who does. It seems that my prayer list never shrinks; the names just change to reflect the updated needs that are shared with me. These last two sentences reflect the reality of life but it also leads us to the throne room of God where we can freely share our burdens with Him.
This morning it seemed as though the Spirit asked me this question as I began my time of prayer. "Are you going to trust Me with your requests today?" I was somewhat stunned and amazed at the same time. I knew that God knew all things but this question brought that stark reality to the forefront of my thought process. Praying was not the question, I was beginning to pray as I normally do. The deeper question hinged on the fact of whether I would trust God or would I just go through the motions of pretending to trust Him as I prayed. I am still somewhat overwhelmed as I write these words 3 1/2 hours later. Will I trust Him resonated in my heart throughout my prayer time and the question is still resonating in my heart as I write these words.
I have come to this conclusion now that I have had some time to reflect. There are some situations that are easier to place in God's hands and care than others. There are some situations that I can more easily trust God with than others. I hope that I do not offend you or hinder your faith through my transparency regarding my thoughts today. But in my heart I know that I want to trust God with every situation. It was during those moments that the Word of God came rushing into my heart and began reminding me of the revealed promises of the Heavenly Father. My faith and trust began to grow stronger and I found myself leaving my burdens with the Lord. I plan on learning from this encounter with the Spirit and I am fully committed to continue my journey of trusting in the promises of God.
Be encouraged today as you continue to place your trust in God and His mighty Word!!

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