Thursday, April 3, 2014

God's Care

I realize that I wrote about God's care and concern in a recent post. But the past few days have brought that characteristic of God to the forefront of my thinking once again. I am sure that many of you are aware of people that are facing some very challenging situations at this time in their life. I am made aware of many situations of people both near and far in my role as Pastor. I hear from friends all across this nation and I even hear from people outside this nation who desire to share a prayer concern with me. There are days that my prayer list could be categorized as overwhelming to say the least.
It is at those moments that I realize that I do not have the power or ability to change or alter any of the situations that have been brought to my attention (some family needs could be excluded). But I am connected to them through the relationship that I have developed with the individuals who have shared the need with me. I willingly commit to prayer, care (if possible) and concern for the need that was shared. But as a human being I am limited to what I can do to relieve the pain, sorrow, difficulty, challenge, etc. I truly emphasize the word "limited" in each of those situations. Many of you who are reading these words have also felt that type of helplessness. It is during those moments that we realize that our care and concern is limited because of our humanity but our faith and hope is not limited.
We know where to turn at those moments. We turn to God who is truly unlimited and all powerful. He not only possesses those characteristics but He also possesses the genuine characteristics of love, care and concern for His children. Today I need to remind someone of the promise found in 1 Peter 5:7. I feel led to share that familiar passage with you once more today. Take a moment and allow these words to sink deep into your heart as you look at your own prayer list (both for yourself, your family as well as others). God cares and we can celebrate His care today!!

I Peter 5:7, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (NKJV)
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (NIV)
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” (NLT)

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