My wife could verify this fact about me if you were able to have a personal conversation with her. I am always planning ahead even as I am enjoying the present moments of life. I understand that you can debate the benefits of that type of philosophy and you can debate the non-benefits of that type of philosophy. I personally believe that there is some benefit to having a plan concerning your next steps in life even if these steps have to be adjusted as you take those steps. I said all of that to say this; I believe that the "church" needs to understand that there was a plan and purpose for them to fulfill after they celebrated the Resurrection of their Savior. I believe the same truth can be spoken to us in 2014. God has a plan for the "church" to fulfill in this era of time and we must be preparing our hearts in accordance with that plan and purpose.
The message of the Kingdom of God was to be declared and spread throughout the regions of the known world. The initial reaction of the people of God was fear, concern, doubt and how would they move forward after the death of Christ. But the Resurrection of Christ and the filling of the Spirit would provide the impetus, guidance, and power that they needed to take the message of Christ to their world. The impetus, guidance and power of the Holy Spirit is still available to the people of God today. Will we accept His visitation and baptism in our lives? Will we surrender our lives to His will and purpose? Will we realize that God has called us to a purpose that is greater than our ability to accomplish, complete and fulfill? I sincerely desire to make the correct response to Christ and I sincerely desire to take the correct steps in obedience. The celebration of the Resurrection should and will propel us forward into the declaration of the message of the Kingdom of God.
Will you thank God for the privilege of serving Him today? Christ is alive in you and ready to use you to make a difference in this world!!!
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