Hebrews 12:28, "Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe." (NLT)
I will offer this disclaimer to begin with this morning. You are about to read an opinion that I want to share with you. The early morning news today caught my attention and I just could not ignore the thoughts that arose in my heart. I know that these stories have been shared on television over the past few weeks but they drew my attention today.
Is it possible that we have lost the true meaning of the "Thanksgiving Celebration" to the latest marketing strategies for our local retailers? I am not against the Free Market Trade that is one of the symbols of the freedom that we enjoy in America. I understand the need for "corporate America" to succeed and I understand the need for individuals to "make a living" to support their family. But can't we expect a "little break" from all of the hub-bub that focuses on money, sales, profits, and Wall Street?
We are more concerned with the time that the stores will open for us to shop than we are the time that we will spend thanking God. Many homes will face the challenge of asking everyone to be quiet for a few moments so that we can offer thanks to God for our food. And even if we pray we hurry through the process so that we can get on to the "important" things such as food, football, and looking through the advertisements for the "best deal" on the latest new toy or electronic gadget. We have to be up-to-date with everyone else and we can not afford to fall behind in the "gadget race" for sure.
I assume that some of you will think that I am just complaining when you read these words. But I really don't think that is the true intent of my heart. I believe that we need to stop just giving God a "tip of the hat" (you may have to remember an old western movie to understand that word picture) rather than focusing on His awe and His presence in our lives.
Take a little extra time tomorrow and remind yourself as well as each other of all the good things that God has provided in your life. A few moments of genuine thanksgiving will make a difference in your personal life and you will be able to teach others about recognizing and remembering the goodness of God.