Monday, February 2, 2015

Prayer Focus

Those of you who read this blog on a consistent basis realize that I have a strong belief in the power of Prayer. I truly believe that in many cases the lack of a consistent Prayer Life can lead to spiritual problems in our lives. I am not speaking of the short bed-time prayers nor the prayers over our meals although all of these are important and they do play a role in our lives. I am speaking more about those type of intimate, getting alone with God and seeking His face (relationship) and not His hand (blessings) time of prayers. And I completely understand that all of us have busy schedules and our time is limited. But let's be honest and be real with each other for a moment; we always find time to do what we enjoy and do what we think is important. We need to remember that if we know this statement to be true than our Heavenly Father also knows this statement to be true.

Years ago I used this acronym to encourage people to pray. You may have seen it before but it is worthy of using one more time. It is the word PUSH.

I would like to share with you a Prayer Focus that I shared with our local church at the beginning of 2015. This focuses on the connection of the Pastor with God as well as the connection of the Pastor with the local congregation. It also focuses on EACH OF US CONNECTING WITH EACH OTHER AS WELL AS WITH GOD. I truly believe that the enemy seeks to create an atmosphere of "disconnection" when we gather for our corporate worship services. The enemy certainly does not want us to connect with the Spirit and he does not want us to connect with the power of the Word of God. But we all know and believe that the power of God is greater than the power of the enemy. The enemy desires to hinder the power of spiritual agreement that can take place in the hearts of the family of God. I encourage you to review this list and see if any of them will speak to your heart. I would also ask you to join with us in prayer if you feel that these requests are worthy of your prayer time.

1)      Pray for the Pastor to receive the message that God desires to share with our church family.

2)      Pray for the Pastor to have freedom to declare the Word that God has placed on his heart and in his Spirit.

3)      Pray against the powers of darkness that work to cause the Pastor to mis-carry or abort the Word that God has placed in His heart.

4)      Pray for “ears to hear” the Word of God as it is being declared and revealed.

5)      Pray for a “divine connection” between the Pastor and congregation so that the Word of God can flow in its life-giving authority.

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