Romans 13:11-12,
“And do this, knowing the time,
that now it is high time to awake out of
sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off
the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.” (NKJV)
I truly believe that this principle that the Apostle Paul taught us is very applicable to the days in which we are living. I do believe that I hear the "spiritual alarms" going off as I look at the present condition of the world. I also hear the Spirit sounding the alarm in my heart as I pray, meditate, read the Bible and prepare messages to share when I am privileged to share the Word of God either in private discussions as well as public discourse. But what I am going to do with the alarms that are sounding? Will I choose to answer the call to God or will I choose to hit the "snooze button" and return to my comfortable "zone of sleep?"
I do not have time to list all of the alarms that are sounding in our present world. Some of these are of the personal nature as well as the conditions of our society. Many of us are sensing the internal "calling of the Spirit" to draw closer to God. But sadly many Christians are ignoring that call and choosing to remain in their present spiritual condition. Many of us understand the challenging times in which we are living but we are choosing to put our trust in our abilities, our ideas or our belief that we will not be captured by the powers of darkness. Both of these attitudes are dangerous and can lead us into a spirit of rebellion that chooses to ignore the call from God.
Light was meant to dispel darkness. A darkened room can become full of light with a simple flip of a switch. But that "light" switch has to be wired correctly and that light switch has to be connected to the proper power source to make a difference in the room filled with darkness. I desire for my soul to be wired correctly and I desire for my soul to be connected to the correct power source.
Christians are called to reflect the light of Christ in this dark world. I remember a song from my childhood and a portion of the song declared these words; "This little light of mine, I am going to let is shine..." God is calling each of us to let our light shine in this dark, sinful and rebellious world. Will you let your light shine today?
Will we answer the alarm or will we choose to hit the snooze button and go back to sleep?