Monday, October 17, 2016

Thoughts on Monday

A typical Monday morning finds me reviewing the service from this past Sunday as well as beginning to look forward to the direction that the Spirit will place in my heart as I move forward in my walk with with Christ. These reflections will include my personal development as a Christian as well as the preparation of the message next week. I believe that everything must begin and end with the development of my personal walk with Christ. I believe Christ is more interested in what He can do in me more than what He can do through me. God working through us should be a direct result of what God is doing in us as we continue to draw near to His presence.

There is one thing that is very clear in my heart and spirit. I truly believe that God is calling us to draw closer to Him so that we can be fully prepared to face our future journey of life. There are many things that are taking place in our world at this time that is creating much concern in each of our lives. But I am determined to face these concerns/challenges through the power of the Spirit and not the power of the flesh. Is it possible that the enemy wants us to believe that God is not at work in this day and time? I refuse to believe that lie because of what I have read in the Bible; because of I what have seen in my life; because of what I have seen in the lives of others and because of what I have read about in the lives of others!!!

I want to share some words that I wrote yesterday on the FB page of New River Ministries. "Thankful for another opportunity to explore more of the "WOW" moments of God. I believe that when we fully recognize the AWESOMENESS OF GOD we will move from the mundane to the supernatural manifestation of the presence of God!!! I am determined to make that journey." I marked my comments as "optimistic." Let me add that my optimism is based on my faith in the Word of God which contains the promises of God.

Our world is not full of much optimism at this present time. Maybe it is because that we are looking at the wrong sources to find our optimism. It is time that we turn our hearts back to God and seek Him with our whole heart. I am concerned about the "canopy of doubt and fear" that satan is seeking to drape over the church. I encourage you to open your Bible and reconnect with the God who delivered you from sin and place you one the road of life. He is not finished with you as of yet. He has more of His presence and power for each of us and far too many of us are settling for less.

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