1 Thessalonians
5:16, “Rejoice always,” (NKJV);
“Always be joyful.” (NLT)
Today's passage of scripture is taken from the first letter that the Apostle Paul shared with the church in Thessalonica. He is coming to the conclusion of this time of interaction and he feels led to share with the saints of God what I will reference as "spiritual advice." This short but powerful nugget of truth is written prior to the exhortation to "pray without ceasing." We are probably more aware of the second exhortation than we are the previous exhortation that declares "Rejoice always." I believe that there are times in our lives in which prayer would be an easier goal to reach than "always be joyful."
Each of us will face those up and down moments of life. As a matter of fact our emotions can shift very quickly as we face certain events or situations in our daily lives. We can move from the mountain top of joy and peace to the valley of despair in a brief moment of time. It is during those moments that we learn to rely on the influence and impact of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is during those moments that the Spirit can apply the healing balm of the Word of God to our lives in such a manner that we can recognize the presence of God even in the midst of our trials/challenges/obstacles/struggles.
There have been many times in my life that I have been reminded of the faithfulness of God regardless of the situation that I may have been facing at that present moment. I was reminded this morning during prayer that God truly loves me, cares for me and that He is interested in my life. His ears are open to my prayers and His eyes watch over me as I move through this particular day of my life.
Doesn't the enemy try to "steal" from us the Truth that I just declared in my previous sentence? Satan wants me to believe that God is uninterested and unconcerned about my plight of life? But we must ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT satan IS A LIAR AND THAT HE SEEKS TO DECEIVE US!!
God is fighting for you and not against you!!
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