Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tuesday's Thoughts

Have we forgotten that the presence of God is such a precious and wonderful blessing that God chooses to reveal to His family? Is it possible that we take His presence for granted and that we fail to respond to Him in an appropriate and correct manner? Isn't it also possible that we fail to show respect to the presence to God and because of this attitude we fail to offer our sincere worship and praise to God? 

The usher who prayed for our offering on Sunday morning encouraged our congregation to be willing to "get involved with God." I was challenged through those words to say the least. Do I truly desire to get involved with God? Or have I grown content to just observe the presence of God rather than responding to the activity of the presence of God? I truly believe that God desires for us to "involve" ourselves with His presence. The presence of God contains all that we need to meet the challenges that we are facing in our lives.

I witnessed an event on this past Saturday night in a church in Southeastern Kentucky where I was ministering that has made an eternal difference in my life. The presence of God was very evident in the service and there were people present who chose to "involve" themselves with God. They made the decision to move from the observation mode into the participation mode. And oh what a change began to take place when various individuals in the room chose to take a step of faith.

I shared the Word of God with the congregation. I issued the challenge of the invitation to the congregation. People stepped out of their "comfort zone" and began to line up for prayer. I started praying with them and did not fully notice the length of the line. I just knew that we were praying for people for a lengthy period of time. This next sentence may startle those people who are always in a hurry for church service to end. This next sentence may startle those people who are always in a hurry to leave church and those people who very seldom wait to the end of the service. There were people who waited patiently in line for 15-30 minutes for the Pastor and myself to pray for them!! Several of these individuals were parents who had their children with them and even these children waited patiently for prayer. It is amazing what can happen when we "wait on God" and when we take the time to "involve" ourselves with God!!

Here are two familiar scriptures that we need to see lived out and practiced in the present day church world.

Matthew 6:33, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)

Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.” (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)


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