Friday, August 27, 2010


My wife and I have the wonderful opportunity today to participate in a Conference of "Seasoned Senior Saints" from various churches in the state of Kentucky.  This time of celebration will afford me the opportunity to share an encouraging Word from God with them as well as receive encouragement from them.  It is always a privilege to be able to reconnect with people who have faithfully ran the race of life.  We have been able to serve in local congregations where many of these have attended church.  Not only will we be able to reconnect on a spiritual basis but we will be able to reconnect on a friendship/fellowship basis.

I am always thankful for the spiritual foundation that has played a major role in my spiritual development.  It is without question that the development of my personal relationship with Jesus Christ has been the most prominent factor in my developing maturity.  But God has also used these Seasoned Senior Saints to serve as role models, mentors, intercessors, and people of encouragement through my years of Christian service.  They deserve the honor, respect, admiration, and appreciation of this generation that is following in their footsteps.  They have built their lives on the foundational principles of Jesus Christ and the provisions of His Word and now it is time for this generation to pick up the mantle and continue building on the proper foundation.  You can read Matthew 7:24-29 and discover the importance of a proper foundation on which your life needs to be built.

Take a moment today and reflect on your need to have the proper foundation in your life.  Take a moment today and reflect on the opportunity to thank a Senior Saint for the contributions they have made to your spiritual development.  Each of us have been blessed because God put the proper people in our lives at the right moment.  Thank Him for the provision that He has made.

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