Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It appears that God is using life moments to teach me certain principles as well as remind me of principles that I do not need to forget.  Last evening we were asked to share a meal and a time of fellowship with five other couples with which we have become acquainted within the past few years.  These couples have become friends as well as prayer partners concerning the call of God that is on our lives at this present time.  We enjoyed a wonderful meal, great conversation, a trip down memory lane as well as testimonies of what God is doing at this present moment in all of our lives.  Two of the ladies in the group are cancer survivors and some of the other people in the group have faced their own set of unique circumstances which are very private and personal.  Yet God has chosen to bring us together and allow us to form a friendship that is growing stronger although we do not see this group on a consistent basis.  I was reminded of the strong bond of friendship as we were driving home last night.  

Jesus spoke a word of truth into our hearts when He reminded us that a man's life does not consist of the things that He possesses.  Our culture puts such strong emphasis on what we possess or should I say on those things that we are working to possess.  Culture defines you by what type of automobile or truck that you drive.  Culture defines you by the square footage of your house.  Culture defines you by the educational degrees that you have attained.  Culture defines you by the weekly or monthly pay check that you bring home.   It is without question that all of these accolades or accomplishments play a role in our lives and there is certainly nothing sinful or wrong about being successful in any of these cultural measurements.  But I want to ask you a question, "Don't you desire for your life to measured by more that just what you possess or what you have accomplished?"  

I would not be placed in the upper echelon of the above mentioned categories that are so important to some people in our society.  But I do consider myself a "rich" man.  First of all, I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ which is not based on my possessions.  Second, I have a family that I love with a deep and sincere love and that family offers to me their love and support.  Culture may not have a tool or instrument that can measure the depth of the love that we share in our family and neither can it measure the love that is shared in your family.  Third, I am blessed with a long list of friends (and they are not all on Facebook) that I have seen develop through the years of living on this earth.  Each and everyone of them have impacted my life in a very special way.  I am not able to see some of them very often but I am able to relive our times of fellowship and inspiration as we begin to talk and catch up on the lives of each other.  I know that I have written about family and friends before but I just felt the the Spirit wanted us not to overlook some of the riches that we possess.  Do not take for granted your family and friends.  Make special efforts to remind them of your love and concern for them.  Let them know that they are important to you and that you are glad that God has placed them in your life.

You are richer than you think!  Take a moment to perform an inventory of your riches.

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