Monday, January 2, 2012


I have not written a post since last year.  I thought that my schedule would improve somewhat but the need to assist in finishing Phase 1 of our remodeling project at New River Worship Center took me away from my desk last week.  I certainly do not mean that previous statement in a negative way because it is always a pleasure to be able to serve in whatever manner in the Kingdom of God.  There are times that serving God in His Kingdom requires some "manual labor" (just ask Paul about his tent making ability).  It is a great blessing to witness the direction of the Spirit in the ordering of our steps so that we can accomplish HIS plan for our lives.

20011 has come and gone but I can truthfully say that I have witnessed the presence of Christ in every step of my journey.  Now we begin to look forward to 2012 and all that God has in store for our lives.  I can truthfully say that I look forward to the presence of Christ being evident in every step of my journey.  New River Worship Center is joining with other believers around the world in beginning the first 21 days of 2012 in an extra effort of Prayer and Fasting.  Hopefully each of these Biblical principles are evident in our daily walk with Christ but there are those times that we need to make an extra effort to connect with God through a time of sacrifice and seeking His face.

I spoke to New River yesterday about 3 Goals/Purposes/Desires for 2012.  First, let us commit to Seeking God.  We must reconnect with our need to be people of Prayer.  The House of the Lord must return to being a House of Prayer.  Second, let us commit to Surrendering to God.  Each of us need to be prepared to offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1).  Third, let us commit ourselves to Serving God.  Each of us need to be willing to serve the family of God through our time, gifts, talents, and abilities.  I truly believe that each of us are called to serve and we need to be "about the Father's business."

My prayer is that the church in America will walk in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit and that we will spread the Good News of the Kingdom throughout the communities that we serve.  Have a blessed and prosperous 2012!

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