This past weekend was unique in two different ways.
Not only did we celebrate Memorial Day but it was also the celebration and remembrance of
Pentecost. We are able to rejoice in the
fact that the power of the Holy Ghost is still being released and revealed in this
generation of believers. I for one am
glad to declare that I am Spirit filled and I still declare that other
believers are and still can be Spirit filled.
The family of God has many rich blessings to receive from God and one of these is the baptism of the Spirit. We face an onslaught of people who try to deny the influence and activity of the Spirit in our modern day but many of you are like myself you are eyewitnesses of the activity of the Spirit in the lives of others as well as your personal life. The revival meeting in which I participated last night was led, directed, guided, and influenced through the power and presence of the Holy Ghost. I believe in the power of God and the release of the gifts of the Spirit in our daily walk with Christ. I sense in my spirit that there is a fresh hunger and thirst for all that God has promised to release to His people. I am preparing my heart to seek the face of God and allow Him to complete what He has started in my life.
also believe that the Spirit encouraged me to remind you that the power that was
released at Pentecost was not just a “reactionary” weapon. The power of God was not given to us just so
that we could react to what the devil was doing to us as well as against
us. No, the power of God was given to
the church that we might be pro-active, on the advance against the enemy rather
than just taking our lumps and limping through life. We must learn to recognize and identify our standing in Christ and realize that we are called to live victoriously. The enemy seeks to intimidate and discourage us. The enemy wants us living in the gloom and doom of defeat and despair. But God has called us to a higher calling and the Baptism of the Spirit will assist us in reaching that destination. Seek for a deeper walk with Christ if you are a believer. Ask Christ to forgive you of your sins if you have never accepted Christ as your Savior. The modern day church must become "pro-active" in our desire to follow after God. We can no longer afford to go through the motions of religion; no, and a thousand times no, we must hunger and thirst for the righteousness of God.
Be blessed as you continue your exciting journey with Christ.