Friday, November 30, 2012


I want to take a moment and share a testimony.  This testimony is different in many ways but I think it is very important to share.  I have been blessed over the past few weeks as I have encountered various individuals who are facing the challenges of life.  God has used these individuals to show me that it is important to face those challenges with courage and strength.  I prayed with some people this week who are looking at difficulties with their health; people who are facing some financial challenges; and some of them are dealing with alarming family situations.  Yet, they are choosing to release courageous faith during these trying moments.  Did not God encourage Joshua to respond in courage to the challenges that he would face as the successor to Moses?  Can you think of someone who has been a blessing to you as they responded with courage when life offered them a difficult situation?  Can you think of people who have silently witnessed to you when they chose to continue seeking God even when the problems of life told them to give up?  I wanted to take a moment and say "Thank You" to those brothers and sisters in Christ who have chosen to show each of us how to respond to adversity.  I am a stronger, more courageous man today because God strategically placed those people in my life.  Thank you God for allowing these Christians to teach me a valuable lesson on faith, confidence, and trust in God.  I have read wonderful stories through the years but God has allowed me to witness great courage and dependence on God from the front row seat of life.  Praise God for His many wonderful and powerful blessings!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I want to add a short follow-up to the thought that I shared on Monday.  I wrote about our need to sincerely turn our hearts toward God.  We can use the correct words but is our heart in a correct relationship with God?  Each of us must personally examine our life and see if there are any needed corrections that we need to make.  I read a prayer this morning that spoke to my heart.  It was shared by a Pastor friend of mine from Rockville, Maryland.  This is a "Thanksgiving" prayer but Pastor Balram shares some thoughtful insight to a correct relationship with Christ.  Our relationship with Christ begins with a true sense of appreciation for the love and patience of God toward each of us.  We can recognize and appreciate the great Love that God has shared with each of us.  Take a moment and read this prayer and let the words challenge your heart!
A Thanksgiving Prayer

O My God, Thou fairest, greatest, first of all objects, my heart admires, adores, loves thee, for my little vessel is as full as it can be, and I would pour out all that fullness before thee in ceaseless flow.

When I think upon and converse with thee ten thousand delightful thoughts spring up, ten thousand sources of pleasure are unsealed, ten thousand refreshing joys spread over my heart, crowding into every moment of happiness.

I bless thee for the soul thou hast created, for adorning it, for sanctifying it, though it is fixed in barren soil;

for the body thou hast given me, for preserving its strength and vigour, for providing senses to enjoy delights, for the ease and freedom of my limbs, for hands, eyes, ears that do thy bidding;

for thy royal bounty providing my daily support, for a full table and overflowing cup, for appetite, taste, sweetness, for social joys of relatives and friends, for ability to serve others, for a heart that feels sorrows and necessities, for a mind to care for my fellow-men, for opportunities of spreading happiness around, for loved ones in the joys of heaven, for my own expectation of seeing thee clearly.

I love thee above the powers of language to express, for what thou art to thy creatures. Increase my love, O my God, through time and eternity.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekend Review

First of all, I am truly thankful for the presence of God that was revealed in the services on Sunday.  It is always a blessing to see people respond to the invitation from God to receive His ministering presence into their lives.  It is also a pleasure, blessing, and inspiration to gather with people who desire to offer authentic and sincere praise to our Heavenly Father.  I believe that I witnessed that realization in both of the services that I attended on Sunday.
I believe that God is dealing with my heart concerning the need to be connected with His heart.  David was called a "man after God's heart."  Paul declared that he was reaching "for the prize of the high calling of God that is in Christ Jesus."  Jesus warned us that it is possible that we could "draw near to God with our words, yet our hearts could be far from Him."  Is it possible that we can learn the correct words to say and our hearts remain disconnected from God?  Is it possible that I can speak what others need to hear and yet not hear the message as an individual believer?  In all honesty I believe the answer to the questions that I posed is a resounding YES.  Yes, each of us can be  around Christ and never fully know Him.  Does the New Testament prove that hypothesis to be correct?  People saw Christ, people heard Christ, and people followed after Christ but many of them never knew Him as their Lord and Savior.  Judas set in the same circle of influence and heard the same teaching as the other disciples yet he chose to surrender his life to the plan of satan rather than choosing to surrender his life to Christ.  The choice is ours to make!  Will we (I) make the right decision about following God with "all of our heart?"  Will we (I) choose to surrender our life to Christ or will we (I) choose to walk after the temporary things of life and ignore the eternal?  I sincerely ask that each of us give serious consideration to the questions that the Spirit is posing today.  Our eternal destiny depends on us making the correct decision!

Friday, November 23, 2012


Many of the activities of yesterday have begin to fade in our minds and we are preparing to move into our preparation for the celebration of Christmas.  I pray that you were able to enjoy a wonderful day of celebration and fellowship with your family and friends.  But there should be one constant that remains a steady influence or character trait of our lives.  We should strive to live in the attitude of praise.  We can lift our voices in praise to the One True and Living God who has been with us as we have travelled the road of life.
The Apostle Peter shared these thoughts with us as the Spirit moved upon his heart.  1 Peter 1:7 “These have come so that your faith -- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire -- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

Praise transforms tragedy into triumph. Fanny Crosby was six years old when she lost her vision because a doctor applied the wrong medication to her eyes. She could have become bitter, but she chose instead to praise God. As a result, Fanny Crosby wrote the words to over 8,000 hymns, including “All the Way My Savior Leads Me”, “Blessed Assurance” and “To God Be the Glory”, beautiful songs of worship sung by millions of believers across the world. 
Let us commit to offering God praise even when we are faced with overwhelming challenges!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

My wife and I wish to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a most wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving celebration.  Each of us can find many reasons to offer to God our sincere praise, worship and adoration.  Let us take some time today and reflect on all that God has provided for us throughout this year.  God has been with each of us even during those difficult moments of life.
The Psalmist David made a declaration in Psalms 26 that spoke to my heart this morning.  The New Century Version offers a powerful translation of this passage and it expresses the feelings of my heart today.    "I raise my voice in praise and tell of all the miracles you have done." Psalms 26:7
God is certainly worthy of our praise and honor!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankfulness, Part 5

The past few days have found me reminding you of a few of the blessings that come from God.  I must admit that it is easy to forget those blessings when we are facing a fiery trial of our faith and confidence in God.  But it is during those times that we choose to lift our hearts toward God and speak the words of praise, adoration, and worship to our Lord God Almighty.  We then begin to remember that we have not been alone in our struggles and that God was completely aware of our situation(s).  A thankful heart has allow us to recognize those benefits and blessings that God has placed in our lives on a daily basis.  David shared these words in Psalms 68:19, "Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! Selah"  (NKJV)  I also like to read the New Living Translation; listen to how this same verse in Psalms is translated, "Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. ."(Emphasis added).  We can rejoice in the fact that God is carrying us through the daily challenges that we face.  It is a blessing to know that we can lift our hearts in praise and thanksgiving to a Mighty God who possesses strength, power, grace, and mercy as we walk the road of life.
Ann and I wish each of you a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving.  Take time to offer God praise whether you would define this past year as a good year or a difficult year.  Just remember that God has brought you through this past year and that He will continue to keep His eyes upon you as we prepare to enter 2013!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thankfulness, Part 4

“They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer.” Psalm 78:35

Do you have those times in your life in which you struggle to remember names, addresses, or phone numbers?  Have you ever said, "Your face looks familiar but I can't remember your name."  Have you ever misplaced your keys or your reading glasses?  I am confident that many of us have had those moments in which our memory failed us or at least it took a "mini" vacation and we were unable to recall the information or action that was needed at that moment.  But we do not want to allow the enemy to bring the dilemma of "spiritual amnesia" into our lives.  We do not want to forget the presence of God and the blessings of the character of God that is directed toward us on a moment by moment basis.  I almost wrote the words "daily basis" but then I remembered that the presence of God is on a "moment by moment" basis.  I need to keep my spiritual remembrance on an active status so that I can faithfully offer sincere praise and thanksgiving to God. Do you regularly recall the radical love of Christ? We can not afford to forget the awesome and wonderful love that God has shown toward to us and still shows to us every moment of our life.  He loves you as a beautiful image of His creation. He loves you to the point of laying down His life on your behalf, so by faith you can die to sin and live His resurrected life. The Lord’s ransomed love for you is a special memory of sacrifice. He died for you. 
Take some time today and thank God for His love that has been revealed to you during your lifetime!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankfulness, Part 3

The ability to remember and reflect on our past is an awesome blessing that God has shared with each of us as human beings.  I often remind people of their ability to remember their loved one as I share the eulogy at the memorial service.  We can tell stories over and over so many times that we can almost relive the scene in our mind and almost smell the scent of the room (especially if we are speaking about the preparation of our favorite meal).  Let us never take for granted the joy of memories and the ability to remember all that God has provided in our lives.  The ability to remember can also be put into operation during our time of reflection concerning the blessings and benefits of serving God.  We can remember many of the blessings and provisions that God has placed in our lives as He has revealed His daily presence to each of us.
God gives good memories to His children. Sin bombards the soul with the memories of our faults, failures, shortcomings and our rebellion against God. Our memories are filled with fear, false hopes and fleeting pleasures. But redemption from Jesus brings us from the brink of despair and no hope and brings us into a relationship of forgiveness with our Heavenly Father.   Sin brings heartache, but Christ brings comfort and joy. The memories that come from a relationship with God make a heart smile in gratitude and obedience.

The hymn, Amazing Grace, reminds us that we were lost, but now we are found. Remember that we lived for ourselves, but now we live to assist others and to share the love of God with them.  Remember we were guilty, but now we are forgiven. Remember we were selfish, but now we seek to serve and encourage others that are in our sphere of influence. Remember we were proud and arrogant but now our lives are defined by humility. Remember God was distant, but now He is our heavenly Father. Remember Jesus was a good man that we read about in the Bible, but now He is our Savior. Remember the Holy Spirit was Someone that we did not fully understand or comprehend, but now He is our personal guide. We remember God and our faith flourishes as we recount and remember all that He has done in our lives.  It is no wonder that we pause to celebrate our relationship with Christ during this Thanksgiving season.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thankfulness, Part 2

I read an article a few days ago that reminded me of the need to purposefully remember the blessings of God.  Life has a way of bringing "spiritual amnesia" to each of us as we face the challenges and struggles of daily living.  We fail to consider the need to remember and reflect on the numerous times that God has ministered to our lives and to the lives of our family.  How often do I fail to put into perspective the full scope of my life rather than just select a few "snapshots" of struggles and use these struggles to measure the faithfulness of God to me?  I remember a hymn of the church that declares, "...Count your many blessings, name them one by one.  Count your many blessings and see what God has done..."  We understand that it would be impossible to actually count our blessings but it is not impossible to remember many of those blessings that God has provided for each of us throughout our lives.  During this season of Thanksgiving take some time and remember many of those provisions that God has placed in your life.  We will be blessed and encouraged as we reflect and remember specific times in which God revealed Himself powerful and triumphant in our individual walk with Christ.  It is no wonder that the Psalmist David cried out in Psalm 150, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord!"

Thursday, November 15, 2012


One week from today we will celebrate a national holiday that we refer to as "Thanksgiving Day."  This is a day set aside for families and friends to gather for a large meal (usually accompanied by over-eating), watching football games, and possibly looking at the newspaper for all of the "deals" as the stores prepare for the shopping season of Christmas.  I am not against any of the above mentioned activities and I will personally participate is several of those activities.  Oh, I failed to mention that naps are also a part of our celebration; it just seems that food and naps go hand in hand!  But I feel that I need to offer a gentle reminder that Thanksgiving is more than just a Holiday on our calendar.  Thanksgiving should be an attitude, attribute, and characteristic of each believer that confesses Jesus Christ as our Savior.  Some of you may stop reading this blog after that statement because you are agreeing with my words through a nod of your head and an agreement in your spirit that I have stated the truth.  But don't we think that God needs more than a "nod of approval"?  I believe that God deserves more than just an "agreement" in our spirit.  God is worthy of our praise, adoration, and worship.  He deserves to hear your voice and my voice declaring His greatness and declaring our thankfulness to Him for all that He has provided in our lives. 
Listen to the Psalmist David's words in the following Psalm and let those thoughts resonate in our lives today!
Psalms 145:1-7: 1I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever.  2I will praise you every day; yes, I will praise you forever. 3Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure his greatness. 4Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power. 5I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. 6Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness.  7Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will sing with joy about your righteousness. (NLT)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Veteran's Day

I was unable to make a post yesterday due to a medical procedure. But I did not want to overlook the recognition of those brave men and women who have served our nation in the Armed Forces. I am truly thankful for these men and women who have placed themselves in harms way so that we could enjoy our freedoms in America. I want to offer my respect and appreciation to these men and women who have given much for each of us in this great nation. We must never forget their willingness to serve our nation during some very critical times in our history. I would also like to make a personal recognition of my Dad who served in the infantry during WWII. He still offers his service to the community of Decatur, Alabama. Him and my Mother visit the hospitals, nursing homes, and the private homes of people who are in need of assistance and encouragement. They continue to share the love, care, and compassion of God through their acts of kindness and concern to those who live in their community. I am both blessed and honored to call them my parents and to recognize their heart of servanthood in this modern day and time. Our country is blessed as we recognize people all around our nation who offer their assistance to people in their time of need. May God continue to bless America with people who will care about one another!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Blessed Assurance, Part 3

I have been walking in the promises of Blessed Assurance over the past few weeks. That is one of the reasons that the song by that title spoke to my heart a few days ago. I am always amazed at the "freshness" of the promises of God that we sense and feel as we face those trying moments in which we need special strength from God. I have faced and continue to face some medical issues (all of the tests results are not in as of yet) but I can sense and feel the assurance of God. I realize that I am not alone (not just physically, I am surrounded by a wonderful family and an awesome circle of friends) but that Christ is with me every step of the way. Ann and I have sensed the strength of God and much of that has been revealed through the prayer support and encouraging words of the family of God. We can rejoice in the fact that God is alive and that He is at work in our daily lives. I give God praise and honor this morning for His wonderful presence.
The Blessed Assurance of  God reminds us that His love is eternal. In difficult times, we can remember that God will meet all of our needs, is always with us, and loves us forever. Though Jesus said we would face troubles in this life, He offered encouragement: The ultimate victory is His. So keep in mind that trials are fleeting, whereas our Father's love is forever. Regardless of our circumstances or poor decisions, His care is unconditional--even when we face those daunting challenges in our lives.  We can certainly trust in the love of God that is revealed in His Blessed Assurance.  I can encourage you today to place your confidence in God and realize that His Love is not fickle or short-term.  God's Love will be consistently revealed to each of us as we take the time to recognize His presence.  Look for the revelation of His love today and watch your attitude change as you face your set of daily struggles and challenges.  The Love of God is real and the Love of God will make a definite impact in your life.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blessed Assurance, Part 2

Christians do not have to depend on their own strength or abilities.  We are able to rely upon the promises of God as we walk through our personal journey called life.  I am thankful that I have the assurance from God and that His presence is with us at every turn on our journey.  We find "Blessed Assurance" when we see the presence of Christ revealed in His Word.
Second, we can remember that we are never alone.  God promised to be with us always (Heb. 13:5). It is during the difficulties of our lives that the enemy seeks to make us feel separated from God and from our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Loneliness often accompanies hardship, so we may feel deserted or opposed by family and friends.  It is during those moments that we must turn our attention to God and His Word and allow them to speak the revelation of truth in our hearts.   The Word of God reminds us that we are not alone and that our Heavenly Father has sent His Spirit to be with us and in us, until the day He brings us to heaven (John 14:16-17). He is all we need--our advocate, guide, helper, and comforter. Recognizing His intimate presence gives us confidence in the midst of trials.
The Presidential election is behind us.  The decision of America has been made.  How will the people of God react and respond to the decision that was made?  We must respond in a Biblical manner regardless of your or mine political affiliation or persuasion.  We must continue to pray for our governmental leadership.  We must intercede on their behalf and realize that Christ is where we place our hope and trust.  He still reigns on His throne and He will direct our path if we will choose to follow His direction. 
Christ is our Blessed Assurance!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blessed Assurance

The Call to Worship song at New River Worship Center on this past Sunday morning spoke to my heart and is still speaking to my heart this morning.  The song was the old hymn, Blessed Assurance.  The soloist shared with me that the Lord had placed that song on her heart earlier that morning as she was preparing her heart in the presence of God.  Isn't God simply amazing and He is always very present in the time of our need.  All of us face those moments in our lives in which we need to be reminded that God is with us at all times and in all circumstances.  No one of us is exempt from those moments but it is during those times that Christ assures us that we are not alone in our trial or challenge.  We can trust in the assurances of the promises of God and realize that the Word of God is true and steadfast.
Let us look at one of the "assurances" that we can find in the Word of God.  First, God will always meet our needs.  This is a wonderful and powerful promise found in Philippians 4.  This doesn't mean He provides everything we want.  This does not mean that we can give to God our "wish list" so that we can receive everything that we desire.  That type of promise could lead us to asking for things that are not necessary but also what we wanted may not be beneficial to our spiritual lives.   Instead, the Lord will bless us with all that is necessary to fulfill His purpose for our lives.  His goal is to sanctify us, not simply to satisfy each immediate desire.  I believe that He will provide what we need to live a successful Christian life of service.  The provision of God goes far beyond those temporal things that we think we need so that we can live a life full of comfort and ease in this world.  Let us rejoice in the fact that Christ is alive in our hearts and that we can rest assured that He will not leave or forsake us regardless of our circumstances.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


We have turned the pages of the calendar to the month of November.  It is difficult to imagine that we only have two months left in the year of 2012.  What will I do with these remaining hours of this year?  How will I handle the daily challenges of life that will come into my life?  How will I assist others as they face their own set of unique situations?  How will I prepare my heart to minister the Gospel over the next two months?  I had something else on my mind when I prepared to share my thoughts on the blog today.  But it seemed that the Spirit quickened my heart to thankfulness as I began to type.  I must confess, I paused to ask myself this question, "Am I truly thankful and appreciative of all that God has provided for me or do I just speak those words because they sound like the language that a Christian should use?"  This is a long question but it does contain a difficult answer.  Do I speak to God with a true sense of gratitude or do I just speak the words of praise and thanksgiving so that I can be heard by those around me?  The Bible says that he knows the intent of my heart as well as the words that flow from my mouth.  I believe that God examines the intent as well as the content of the words that I express to Him.  I truly want to be grateful for all that God has provided in my life and I desire that the Holy Spirit correct me when I speak to be heard of man rather than to be heard of God. 
Psalm 19:14, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and Redeemer." (NKJV)