I apologize for the lack of updating our schedule of services. I am having trouble in that area of posting on the blog. Your patience and understanding is appreciated!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Releasing our Faith
Mark 9:24, "Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” (NKJV)
This past week has found me with the wonderful opportunity of encouraging people to be courageous and release their faith even in the midst of challenges and difficulties. I was privileged to serve as an Evangelist in a few nights of a "revival meeting" in Hopkinsville as well as preach two services at New River in Radcliff. It is always an awesome privilege to preach the Word of God with boldness and confidence. I am not bold or confident in my abilities, techniques, or personality but I am confident in the subject matter that I am presenting; namely, the powerful message of the Gospel. I am among many who believe that Christ is still the answer for the needs of our society. I understand that we are being encouraged to "trust in ourselves" and even in some cases we are being encouraged to trust in other so called "gods" to meet our needs. But I am making the choice to put my confidence and trust in the True and Living God who reigns over the affairs of mankind. Will you join with me in putting your complete trust in God who has a definite plan of success for your life? My responsibility hinges on the fact that I just need to live in complete surrender to the King and willingly surrender my life to His direction. The willingness to live a surrendered life to Christ will draw the ire and angst of the enemy to say the least but it will also draw the attention and favor of God.
Over the past few services I have witnessed people who made the courageous and bold decision to ignore the tactics and lies of satan. They willfully chose to walk in the freedom of the Spirit and respond to the call that they heard from the Holy Spirit. The old song declared, "Whose report will you believe? I shall believe the report of the Lord." I observed individuals who chose to believe the "report of the Lord" (the Word of God). I observed individuals who chose to reject the report of the doctor; they chose to ignore the advice of so called friends; and they even chose to defeat the forces of their own thoughts and feelings. How were they able to make these tough life-changing decisions? They were able to do this because they chose to hear the Voice of God who has all authority and power over every situation that anyone of us will ever face! The key word that keeps repeating itself in this post is the word "chose." These individuals made a conscious and concise decision to hear from God and allow His Word and His Spirit to do a work in their lives. I was honored to join my faith with their faith and this morning during prayer I restated to God that I continue to join in faith with those faithful soldiers of Christ. Each one of them dared to go against the tide of human nature and look into the face of God and walk in the strength of His supernatural power. We are and we can be victorious in the mighty name of Jesus.
To be continued!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Weekend Reflections, Part 2
I feel that it is necessary for me to continue sharing some observations that I believe the Spirit deposited in my heart. We often find it very easy and convenient to bemoan and decry the effects of sin in our society. I firmly believe that there is a time and place in which that is very much appropriate and necessary. BUT I also believe that we make sure that we give God equal if not more recognition for the release of His Light and His Presence in the midst of darkness. Simply complaining about the darkness is not the solution to the spiritual war in which we are engaged. Why are the cultural attitudes continuing to deteriorate and move away from God if simply complaining about the darkness was our answer? Is it not time for the "church" to be proactive rather than just reactive to what is going on around us? I witnessed a group of leaders and a group of worshippers on Saturday who chose to be proactive in their applause and recognition of the Light that is able to dispel and defeat the powers of darkness. It has been three (3) days since Impact yet the Spirit still is working in my heart regarding the testimonies and worship that were shared with those who attended this Outreach effort to our community.
I witnessed the varsity football coach, the baseball coach as well as the volleyball coach from one of our local high schools boldly stand and share their testimony concerning their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They not only shared about their walk with Jesus but they had the audacity and courage to encourage those present that Christ was able to make a difference in their lives. They spoke from the heart and not just some prepared manuscript that someone had written for them. I truly believe that their honesty and sincerity had a major impact on those who listened. I can honestly declare that I was encouraged and I have been out of school for a "few" years. I would have been blessed to have known that my coaches and teachers were unashamed of their relationship with Christ. I applaud these educational leaders of our community who have a desire to impact the eternal destiny of their students as well as the educational destiny of their students. They have chosen to be a light in the midst of the darkness of this world. I understand that these teachers face some government limitations BUT the Holy Spirit is not hindered by these so called limitations. He will continue to work in spite of any efforts to stop Him.
I also witnessed students who openly offered their worship through songs, interpretative drama, skits and music. They also decided to be a light in the midst of the darkness of our world. They courageously demonstrated their love for God in front of their peers in the open setting of a park. They chose not to hide in a church building or a youth chapel; they chose to worship and pray with their friends and parents being present. I declare to you today that not all of the youth and children of this generation will accept and believe the lies of satan. They are choosing and will continue to choose to take the path of righteousness and right living. They will choose and are choosing to live their life under the guidance of the Word of God although the enemy of their soul seeks to ridicule them for their decision. This is where it becomes our opportunity to be involved in their lives as intercessors and encouragers. I also witnessed "adults" who were willing to attend this worship event as a show of support and concern. I witnessed adults who chose to clap their hands, listen to rap music, and even try their hand or should I say feet at a few new dance steps for Jesus. Did I just hear a witness for Jesus in the audience of readers today?
I encourage you to remember these statements. This is not the time to give up on ANYONE! Keep praying! Keep trusting! Keep releasing your faith! Keep sharing the Love of God! Keep sharing your testimony with others! Keep supporting and loving the children and youth of your community (especially those of your household)!
To be continued.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Weekend Reflections
I must take a few moments and share some thoughts concerning this past weekend services in which I participated. The past few posts on this blog have revolved around the spiritual harvest fields to which we are called to serve. It is so easy to become comfortable with being served in the local church body that we fail to remember that we are called to serve. Jesus gave each of us the true example of putting the needs of others above His own personal needs or desires. Do you think that it was an easy death on the cross? Do you think that it was easy to suffer ridicule? Do you think that it was easy to be rejected by His own nation and own people? I could continue to ask these questions with the obvious answer being NO. NO, it was not easy to endure the challenges that Jesus faced but He chose to be faithful to the call to be the Savior of the world. That is one of the reasons that we can gather in our worship gatherings and rejoice with praise, adoration and thanksgiving. Each of us need to be alert to the opportunities to serve whether these opportunities are large or small. I truly believe that nothing that we offer in service to others is insignificant to God. I believe that God sees and honors our heart of service that is extended to others when we willingly give ourselves to the greater cause of the spreading of the Good News concerning Jesus Christ.
The previous sentence leads me to one of the reflections of this past weekend. I witnessed a large group of individuals that took a block of time on a Saturday afternoon and participated in a community outreach in the Radcliff, KY City Park. This group of volunteers were of various ages (both old and young) and they came from various churches in the community. But for a few hours we laid aside all of our different views, ideas and opinions for the sake of others. We chose to take the road less traveled and reach for the optimal effect of the Gospel being spoken through music, drama, and "power" talks by leaders from our local schools. I will address this point later but this display of Christianity from our public school system ran contrary to all of the negative news that we constantly hear from the various media sources. I do not deny the fact that our educational system is facing unique challenges but that same statement could be said about many segments of our society at this time in our history. You might be led to change your opinion if you could have seen the group of adults, youth and children who gathered in an open air worship setting and declared their love for Jesus Christ. I was truly honored and blessed to have been a part of that worship setting and to realize that there are students and educators who love Jesus Christ and they are not ashamed to be identified as a follower of Jesus.
To be continued...
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Harvest, Part 3
I heard an interesting phrase spoken this morning as I was listening to the early morning news. The person who was sharing the weather forecast used the terminology "full harvest moon." She went on to explain that the moon could be observed in the sky this very morning. I was pleasantly surprised when I looked in the sky above our home as I was leaving and I noticed this large looking moon hanging in the universe. Immediately my mind went to the words "full harvest moon" and I began to listen for the whispers of the Spirit. I could sense that He was about to place inspiration and encouragement into my heart as I drove to the church for my time of morning prayer. I was not disappointed in the Spirit as He began to pour into my soul. Why should I have thought otherwise regarding the desire of the Spirit? The Word declares that God desires to give "good gifts" unto His children and through the cross of Christ I have become a child of God. I think I just heard someone rejoicing with me over the fact that Christ has made it possible that we could be included in the family of God. Some of what the Spirit shared with me was a personal word of encouragement but I also sensed that the Spirit wanted me to share some of the inspiration through the means of this blog.
The "harvest moon" serves as a reminder to the agricultural industry that we are moving toward the time of the harvest of the crops that are already in the field. The farmer begins to realize that the seed that he/she has sown is about to come to fruition and maturation. The preliminary work of planting has taken place and now the work of harvesting is at hand. The farmer takes a fresh look at the fields and realizes that his initial plan, design, and desire for that field is about to come to pass. But the final portion of the process will require equipment, laborers, time and effort. Just as the seed did not sow itself neither will the harvest reap itself. The gathering of the harvest will require the full, undivided attention of the farmer. He will make the harvest his /her first priority until the crop is in the barn and the work is completed. I could continue this process but let me move on to the analogy with the spiritual harvest fields in which we are presently working.
I believe that there are some things that we can do to prepare our hearts for the harvest. The Bible declares that the harvest is "ripe" (white) but laborers (workers) are needed. Will we turn our attention to those in our world who need the word of salvation brought to them? There a few thoughts that I want to share with you concerning some actions that we can take as we prepare to reap the harvest. 1) We begin by exercising our spiritual arms with stretching exercises. We "stretch" our arms so that we can embrace the hurting, troubled, lost, discouraged, distraught, etc. that we will encounter. 2) We give the harvest our undivided attention. Jesus said "look" at the fields and know that they are ready to be harvested. We must not say that the participation in the harvest work is only for the ministers and leaders of the church. We must realize that ALL of us are called to the harvest field and we are ALL called to work in the field. The work may vary from believer to believer nevertheless we are called to WORK. 3) We must leave the house and be prepared to enter the field of labor. We may not be called to a "mission field" but truly we are all called to a mission field. The mission field may be our home, our school, our place of employment, our neighborhood and our surrounding community but remember that we ARE ALL CALLED. 4) We engage ourselves in the work of the harvest. There are too many believers who are disconnected or disengaged from the mission and purpose of Christ. We find it so easy to connect with many other good causes and become very involved through commitment and participation yet we find so many excuses why we can not work in the spiritual harvest field. 5) Once again we must hear the Voice of God calling us to live with hearts full of passion and compassion for the lost. God is calling us to reconnect with His heart and His heart reveals His awesome love for all of humanity!!
I saw and I see a "full harvest moon" today. What do you see or what do you want to see?
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Harvest, Part 2
John 4:35-36, "You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. 36 The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike! (NLT)
I must share my heart with you in another post regarding the "harvest" field which is the world in which God has placed us to live. Once again this morning during prayer I felt as though the Spirit was taking me back to the true mission of Jesus Christ. Is it possible that the mission and purpose of Jesus Christ can get lost in all of our ideas of what our mission and purpose is about? Is it possible that the mission of Jesus Christ can get lost in all of the activities that we do to fulfill the mission statement and purpose of the local church that we attend? I believe that it is possible that both the above questions can be answered with a resounding YES. We can become so enamored with "us" that we forget about HIM (Jesus Christ). The Bible still declares that He is "the way, the truth, and the life." After all the message of the Gospel is the only message that we are sent to declare. We are not to declare our greatness but we are to declare His greatness. We are not to declare our message but we are to declare His message. The message of the Gospel will point people to the One who is able to bring forgiveness, peace, joy, hope, and eternal life. Our message may bring a temporary solution to some problems but the message of the Gospel will bring an eternal answer that will go with us into the place of our eternal destination. I think it is time for the church to lay aside our message and re-connect with His message and see that the fields are "already ripe for harvest."
Would you join with me in prayer and ask God to bring His Ministers back to His heart for this lost and hurting world? NOTE: I certainly place myself in that group of Ministers who need to "speak from the heart of God" to the hearts of fallen humanity. Dear Lord, let your fresh fire fall among us!! Through faith I believe that the Spirit can break through all of the strategies of hell and reach this generation with the liberating truth of the Word of God.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Matthew 9:35-38, "Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” (NLT)
Our local church is preparing for an Outreach effort to our community on Saturday of this week. We desire to have our hearts turned toward the harvest field although the event will primarily focus on the children and youth of our community. God has reminded me that He is truly interested in every person regardless of their situation or circumstances. That attitude can be a challenge to us when we look at individuals and the conditions of their life. We can even become antagonistic toward the lifestyle decisions that people are making in this culture. But do the decisions and actions of people give us the right or the authority to withdraw the message of the Gospel from them? The sinful conditions of mankind was the reason that Christ entered this world. He came to be the Savior and Restorer of mankind into a right relationship with the Heavenly Father. John 3:16 reminds us that the Father loved the world enough that Christ came to die in our place on the cross. He paid the debt for my sins; He paid the debt for your sins; and He paid the debt for the sins of fallen humanity. Do not forget that we have a powerful and live changing message to declare. Do not forget that we have the power and authority of God standing with us as we declare the message. Do not forget that we have the call and mandate to declare the powerful Gospel message. I encourage you to allow the Spirit to give you a "new view" of the harvest field. Jesus said that the "harvest is great" and that He is looking for "workers" to gather the harvest. Will you personally join with God in the work that awaits us in the harvest field?
Thursday, September 12, 2013
"God Of This City"
Our Wednesday evening service was a special blessing to me as we reflected on the tragedy of 9-11-01. But we also turned to a time of celebration and reflection as we celebrated the 4th Anniversary of the first service of what would develop into New River Worship Center. The meeting was somber, serene, yet celebratory. The Spirit led us into a time of prayer and praise as we recognized the greatness of our Lord and King. Even during difficult and challenging times we can join with Chris Tomlin and declare that God is still God Of This City. I left service last night with that song on my mind and in my heart. I sensed the Spirit remind me of the words of that song during prayer time this morning. I want to share some of the words that God led Bro. Chris to write as he expressed his belief that God was the One with the final say in the affairs of mankind. Let me join with Bro. Chris and express my belief that God is still the One with the final say in the affairs of mankind. Never give up on the promises of God and never turn loose of the promises of God. Hold tightly to His Word and rely on His Spirit to guide your hearts!!
You're the God of this City
You're the King of these people
You're the Lord of this nation
You are
[Verse 2]
You're the Light in this darkness
You're the Hope to the hopeless
You're the Peace to the restless
You are
There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God
For greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Greater thing have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
You're the King of these people
You're the Lord of this nation
You are
[Verse 2]
You're the Light in this darkness
You're the Hope to the hopeless
You're the Peace to the restless
You are
There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God
For greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Greater thing have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Take a moment and either read or sing these words over your life, your home, your neighborhood, your city, your state and over our nation. God is truly our Light, our Hope, and our Peace!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
9-11 Thoughts
Many of us can remember the tragic events that took place on 9-11-01. Most of us will be able to remember our exact location when we became aware that America was under attack by a group of people that we would label as "terrorists." I was sitting in my office at a church in Washington County, Kentucky when I received a phone call from my wife. She informed me that I should probably go home and turn on the television so that I could see what was taking place across our nation. All of us can remember the pictures that began to flash across the screens of our televisions as well as the words that the journalists were using to describe the events that were taking place right before our eyes. Some have stated that the "innocence" of America was lost that day and time will prove whether that statement will turn out to be true. I just know that we became personally acquainted with words, terms, and names of terrorists groups that many of us never knew even existed. Twelve years ago we began a journey down a road that we are still travelling today and we are reminded of that on a daily basis through the various sources of media.
In my mind 9-11 must become a day of remembrance. We can not afford to forget the tragic events of that day and remember that there are people who daily relive the events of that day. The survivors of the attack see the effects on a daily basis. The surviving family members sense the emptiness in their hearts and still miss their loved ones. The military family members who continue to say good-bye to their family member when he/she is deployed to some foreign soil where they continue to place themselves in harms way for each of us. Once again, I remind you that we can not afford to forget. We have seen buildings rise in the place of those which were destroyed. The Pentagon has long ago returned to "business as usual." Our country has moved forward in many ways yet the price of that day is still being paid by countless numbers of individuals. I encourage you to take a moment on 9-11 and bow your head in a moment of silence and remember those individuals who lost their life during this murderous rampage by a group of individuals who felt that they would be rewarded through the infliction of pain, sorrow, heartache and death.
Let me leave you with three words that came into my heart during my time of prayer and reflection.
Reflect: Have we (you) learned anything from that event? Have we (you) forgotten more than we remember? Do we (you) still cherish life as we did in those immediate days following the events of 9-11? Are we (you) still praying for our nation and for the leaders of our nation as we did in the immediate aftermath of 9-11?
Remember: Have we (you) forgotten about those individuals who died during that tragedy? Have we (you) forgotten those first responders who willingly gave their lives to save others? Do we (you) remember the call to prayer, spiritual concern, and crying out to God that took hold of the "soul" of America immediately following the tragedy?
Respect: Do we (you) still hold in high regard those first responders who put their lives on the line on a daily basis? Do we (you) still hold in high regard those men and women who serve in our military and place themselves in harms way that we may enjoy our freedom in America? Do we (you) still pray for our first responders and the military as well as their families? Do we (you) still cry out to God in prayer on a daily basis?
May God bless America with a great spiritual awakening!!
Monday, September 9, 2013
2 Thessalonians 3:1-4, “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the
Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: 2And
that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not
faith. 3But the Lord is
faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. 4And
we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the
things which we command you. (KJV)
Freedom is a word that brings special thoughts and emotions to my mind as we move toward the remembrance of 9-11-01. The church in which I serve is located in a military community with a strong connection to Fort Knox. We presently have three families which attend our local congregation whose companions are deployed to Afghanistan. The word "freedom" and the actions that are connected with that word have taken on a fresh and new meaning to me since this ministry effort began four years ago. My desire to remember and celebrate the freedoms that we have as citizens of America is very much a part of my daily process of offering thanksgiving to God for His many blessings. I encourage and implore you to never take for granted the grand opportunities that we have in this country and never forget those brave men and women who serve our nation so that we might participate in those freedoms. I will write more about that a later date and time but at this moment I want to turn my attention to what is stirring in my heart.
God has stirred my heart concerning the power and authority of His Word over the past few weeks. I have been sharing that stirring with the New River congregation. The Spirit has urged me to remind the congregation of the importance of the Word of God. The Word of God is not just another book that we carry to church or another book to exhibit in our library. It is a book of life, hope, strength and numerous other revelations of the character and ministry of Jesus Christ. I sincerely believe that I am reading the Bible through a new set of "spiritual eyes." I can see and sense that God is calling us into a deeper and more intimate revelation of His nature. He desires that we truly "know" Him and that in knowing Him we can realize that He is fighting for us and not against us.
Let me share an excerpt from a recent sermon at New River. "The
Gospel is the message with which we are sent.
It is the message of the Gospel that needs to be declared in freedom,
authority, unction, anointing and power.
The literal translation of the words "have free course" could
be translated "might run". Satan and his emissaries do all they can
to hinder the progress of it. God can
remove all obstructions and impediments and when He is at work there is NO
power that can hinder what God can do in the lives of individuals. Paul had a strong and burning desire to see
the Word of God running free among the people (so it is
in the original), so that the Word of God can gain ground in our lives. Spiritual Freedom opens the door for the
declaration and revelation of Christ in the world."
Will you take the time and pray for your Pastor to have the freedom to preach the Word of God as the Spirit places it not only ON his heart but IN his heart?
Friday, September 6, 2013
Passion & Fervor, Part 2
Romans 12:11-12, "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
Is it possible that our fervor and passion for Jesus Christ can become contagious and be spread among fellow believers? I know that there may be different opinions when to comes to decide the answer to my question. But, I do believe that we can influence others through the passion and fervor that we express in our relationship with Christ. I can testify that I have been encouraged when someone has ministered in song or ministered the Word of God with fervor and passion. I understand passion and fervor to be deeper that just an emotional response or action. In my opinion true fervor and passion comes from an underlying commitment to Christ and a desire to love Him with all of your heart. Fervor and passion are lived out on a daily basis and not just a "spiritual outburst" from time to time. True fervor and passion is lived out in the privacy of your life as well as the public demonstration of spiritual activity. True fervor and passion comes through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and not just a "learned" lifestyle of Christian actions. True fervor and passion is deeper than just a "robotic" lifestyle that can charm others into believing that you are a truly spiritual person. True fervor and passion is not about who is the greatest charmer. True fervor and passion is about a lifestyle of discipleship in which an individual takes up his cross and follows Christ.
The following words written by an unknown author place added emphasis on my thoughts today.
"Spiritual fervor is evidence of faith that is alive. It is vibrant and effervescent in expectation of an encounter with God. The commitment of a zealous follower of Jesus is contagious. They lift the faith of other believers by simply believing what the Lord says is true, adjusting their behavior to His commands. Like a match stick ignites a fuse of dynamite, so someone’s spiritual spark can enflame an entire community for Christ. Spiritual fervor burns brightly in service to God!"
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Examining YOUR Level of Passion
"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:11-12
I am a person that sets high standards of expectation for myself. I don't remember when that first became a part of my life unless it began when I was in school. I not only desired to make a "good" grade I desired to make the best possible grade that I could. I soon learned to realize and identify the fact of whether or not I had done my best or whether or not I was content to obtain a "passing" grade. I soon developed the attitude that I would not accept "just passing" as the measurement for my educational pursuits. You may have different feelings concerning this proposition that I am setting forth but I chose to live my life with a drive to not settle for anything less than my best effort.
I trust that I have carried that same zeal and desire into the other stages of my life and especially into the development of my relationship with Jesus Christ. The people that I have known through the years can make a better judgment about the results of my life and I will leave it to them to define my spiritual legacy. This post is not about my legacy or necessarily looking for words of affirmation. No, it is about reminding us of the need to "love God will ALL (emphasis mine) of our heart, soul, mind, and strength..." I believe that type of love relationship will have to be one that is fueled and filled with fervor, passion and a strong desire to please God. We can not afford to settle for the status quo and settle for anything less than offering our very best to our Savior and Lord. The Prophet Malachi shared a Word of correction with Israel because they offered to God their inferior sacrifices rather than the best of the flocks. Will we be judged by any less of a standard when it comes to our walk and journey with Christ? Take a moment and reflect on the Words of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the church at Corinth. I believe that the scripture passage for today will challenge and encourage us to seek to offer our very best service to our Savior!!!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Psalms 46:1-3, "God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though its waters roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah" (NKJV)
I normally spend some of my time reflecting on the Word of God that I shared during any particular service. I imagine that many Ministers go through some of the same process as they seek to make sure that the Word was shared in a correct and fitting manner. I am always concerned that Christ that is glorified and that the Body of Christ is edified any time that I minister the Word of God. These are challenging times to say the least and many of us are looking for a place of "refuge and strength." We can understand that God and His Word is a "very present help in trouble." We do not have to trouble ourselves with a search that is driven by panic or fear. We can rely on the faithful promises of God and we can walk in the strength of His faithful presence regardless of the circumstances that we may be facing. Let me share some thoughts that God placed in my heart during a time of reflection.
We live in a world that in many ways is driven and sometimes even manipulated by the World Wide Web. We have become very familiar with www.__________com. You can fill in your own blanks depending on what you are researching. We have become familiar with the term "search engine." These "engines" allow us to navigate a path that is full of information and in many cases inspiration IF the "engine" is used in a wholesome and holy manner. This post is not about debating the good and evil side of the Internet but it is being written to remind you of the limitations of the world wide web (www._________). Do you know that you can google up the word "peace' and still be at unrest? Do you realize that you can google up the word "faith" and still live in fear and doubt? Do you realize that you can google up the word "salvation" and still live your life without a relationship with your Savior, Jesus Christ? I could continue to list plenty of scenarios and still reach the same conclusion.
But David knew where to look when he needed refuge and strength during his struggles of life. He needed more than just information; he needed the One who would come along side of him and provide the help that he needed. Let me share a proposal with you. The next time you are in trouble take these steps for a change. 1) Stop looking for information on the computer. 2) Open the pages of your Bible and read the Word of God. 3) Cry out to God in prayer and ask for His direction and guidance. 4) Instead of going to www._________com turn your heart toward God and allow Him to reveal His presence. You may be pleasantly surprised as God reveals Himself to you!!!
Monday, September 2, 2013
"Labor" Day
Matthew 11:28-30, "Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” (NLT)
Today is a day of rest and relaxation for many people around this nation. In America we have learned to stretch this one day into a three of four day holiday weekend. Do we do this because we are looking for a final weekend of vacation or is this due to the spirit of "restlessness" that is present in the lives of so many people in our modern world? Many people find themselves searching and looking for "something" yet they return home empty day after day. Is it possible that they are looking in all of the wrong places rather than placing their faith and trust in God?
I don't head for the dry and barren desert if I am thirsty. No, I head for a resource of fresh and clean water that can satisfy the thirst that is present in my body. Why do we allow our soul to look at the emptiness and barrenness of this world and remain thirsty? There is a supply of living water that is able to quench the longing that many people are sensing in their lives today.
We could learn from a small child today. Do you remember when your child would hold up his/her empty cup and ask for you to fill it once again? The child even learned the motion of lifting the cup upward and outward even before they mastered the use of language. Why did they take this action? They acted out of a need that was present in their lives; they were THIRSTY and they were looking for a source that would satisfy their need.
Today's scripture passage reveals Jesus issuing an invitation, "Come to me..." I encourage you today to take some time and "come to Jesus" with all of the situations that you are facing. He promises to bring rest (refresh, take ease) to your soul as you place your trust in Him.
Be blessed and encouraged through the power and presence of the Word of God!!
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