John 4:35-36, "You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. 36 The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike! (NLT)
I must share my heart with you in another post regarding the "harvest" field which is the world in which God has placed us to live. Once again this morning during prayer I felt as though the Spirit was taking me back to the true mission of Jesus Christ. Is it possible that the mission and purpose of Jesus Christ can get lost in all of our ideas of what our mission and purpose is about? Is it possible that the mission of Jesus Christ can get lost in all of the activities that we do to fulfill the mission statement and purpose of the local church that we attend? I believe that it is possible that both the above questions can be answered with a resounding YES. We can become so enamored with "us" that we forget about HIM (Jesus Christ). The Bible still declares that He is "the way, the truth, and the life." After all the message of the Gospel is the only message that we are sent to declare. We are not to declare our greatness but we are to declare His greatness. We are not to declare our message but we are to declare His message. The message of the Gospel will point people to the One who is able to bring forgiveness, peace, joy, hope, and eternal life. Our message may bring a temporary solution to some problems but the message of the Gospel will bring an eternal answer that will go with us into the place of our eternal destination. I think it is time for the church to lay aside our message and re-connect with His message and see that the fields are "already ripe for harvest."
Would you join with me in prayer and ask God to bring His Ministers back to His heart for this lost and hurting world? NOTE: I certainly place myself in that group of Ministers who need to "speak from the heart of God" to the hearts of fallen humanity. Dear Lord, let your fresh fire fall among us!! Through faith I believe that the Spirit can break through all of the strategies of hell and reach this generation with the liberating truth of the Word of God.
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