I must take a few moments and share some thoughts concerning this past weekend services in which I participated. The past few posts on this blog have revolved around the spiritual harvest fields to which we are called to serve. It is so easy to become comfortable with being served in the local church body that we fail to remember that we are called to serve. Jesus gave each of us the true example of putting the needs of others above His own personal needs or desires. Do you think that it was an easy death on the cross? Do you think that it was easy to suffer ridicule? Do you think that it was easy to be rejected by His own nation and own people? I could continue to ask these questions with the obvious answer being NO. NO, it was not easy to endure the challenges that Jesus faced but He chose to be faithful to the call to be the Savior of the world. That is one of the reasons that we can gather in our worship gatherings and rejoice with praise, adoration and thanksgiving. Each of us need to be alert to the opportunities to serve whether these opportunities are large or small. I truly believe that nothing that we offer in service to others is insignificant to God. I believe that God sees and honors our heart of service that is extended to others when we willingly give ourselves to the greater cause of the spreading of the Good News concerning Jesus Christ.
The previous sentence leads me to one of the reflections of this past weekend. I witnessed a large group of individuals that took a block of time on a Saturday afternoon and participated in a community outreach in the Radcliff, KY City Park. This group of volunteers were of various ages (both old and young) and they came from various churches in the community. But for a few hours we laid aside all of our different views, ideas and opinions for the sake of others. We chose to take the road less traveled and reach for the optimal effect of the Gospel being spoken through music, drama, and "power" talks by leaders from our local schools. I will address this point later but this display of Christianity from our public school system ran contrary to all of the negative news that we constantly hear from the various media sources. I do not deny the fact that our educational system is facing unique challenges but that same statement could be said about many segments of our society at this time in our history. You might be led to change your opinion if you could have seen the group of adults, youth and children who gathered in an open air worship setting and declared their love for Jesus Christ. I was truly honored and blessed to have been a part of that worship setting and to realize that there are students and educators who love Jesus Christ and they are not ashamed to be identified as a follower of Jesus.
To be continued...
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