Thursday, June 19, 2014


Matthew 16:24-26, "Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. 25 If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. 26 And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? (NLT)

This passage of scripture set the theme for our time of discussion in last night's Adult Discipleship class at New River. Let me say this; it was a very interesting as well as challenging time of discussion and interaction. These are challenging words from our Savior and Lord to say the least BUT these words are principles that can be lived out (put into practice) or they would not have been taught by Jesus. I truly believe that Christ will provide the strength, grace and guidance that we need to fulfill this call to follow Him. 

I must ask myself these questions; "Am I willing to fulfill my commitment to be a follower (disciple) of Christ in actions rather than being content to speak with religious verbiage? Am I prepared to put my words into active participation with Christ as He performs His work in my life? Will I resist Christ or will I receive Christ and allow Him to direct my complete life and not just my "church life?" Is my love for Christ growing stronger and deeper as I travel the road of life with Him?"

I am sharing my list of questions with you but I am sure these words of Christ have caused you to look inward and contemplate your relationship with Him. What will I attain if I gain the whole world but lose my soul? Can I truly put a value on my soul? What is the true worth of my soul? 

I make those decisions daily as I choose the depth and level of my commitment to Christ and His plan for my life. My actions speak louder than my words. What are my actions saying to Christ as He seeks to call me closer to Him? What are my actions saying to my family and friends concerning the importance and necessity of a relationship with Jesus Christ?

Let the words of Jesus bring revelation and conviction to our hearts today!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Proper Response

James 1:23-25, "For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. 24 You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. 25 But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. (NLT)

There is a word found in verse 24 of this scripture that has challenged me over the past few days. How easy is it for me to "forget" what I saw when I looked into the mirror of the Word of God? I can find many reasons to justify my forgetfulness. 

I can choose to forget because I chose to compare myself with other believers and my self comparison caused me to feel "better off" than my brethren. I can choose to forget because I bargained with God and told Him that I would be back at a later time to deal with the issue that was brought to my attention through the Word of God. I can choose to forget because I willfully rejected the revelation from God and walked away from the encounter with Him through the act of disobedience. I can choose to forget because I was "too busy" or "too distracted" and did not have time to make the proper and appropriate response to God. 

I can keep adding to my list of excuses and I can explain my justification in a rational manner. BUT the real question keeps re-appearing; "Will God accept any of them as a true reason for my forgetfulness and my act of rejecting Him? I am afraid that the answer is NO! It is possible that I may hear the words Paul spoke in Romans 2:1a,"Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man,..." 

I think that I will choose to remember and respond to the times when the Spirit challenges my heart to draw closer to Him. My list of excuses may be rejected by the One (Jesus Christ) who gave His all for my salvation.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


James 1:23-25, "For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. 24 You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. 25 But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. (NLT)

I will not attempt to do a complete exegesis of this passage of scripture but the Spirit did place this passage in my heart this morning as I was praying. I am very concerned about the need for each believer to put into practice the principles of Christianity. The Word of God is full of practical truths that need to be revealed, demonstrated or "lived out" in our daily lives. 

Is it possible that we are seeing more than we are doing? Have I grown comfortable with becoming acquainted with the principles of Christ without making full application of those same principles into my daily lifestyle? Have I convinced myself that observation of the teachings/principles of Christ is all that I need to do? Am I committed to walking in the full revelation of this powerful passage in James?

I am convinced that the Spirit is calling us into a relationship that will require full and complete surrender, obedience, and participation with God in the process of discipleship. We have grown comfortable with knowledge and failed to realize that the knowledge we have is only beneficial if it is put into practice in our lives. God will bless us if we practice those principles that have been declared and revealed to us through the Word and Spirit of God. We need to remember the Truth of God's Word and allow that Truth to bring spiritual freedom into our lives. 

I encourage each of us to seriously consider not only the challenge of this passage but also the blessings of practicing this passage of scripture found in the writings of the Apostle James!!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Absent Father's

There is a term that is being used to describe some of the Father's in our modern culture. It is the term "absent fathers." It is being used to identify a group of men who seem to disappear or disengage themselves from the parenting role in the life of their children. This post is not intended to explore the many reasons that have contributed to the need to use that term when it comes to describing the men who have fathered children and have not chosen to participate in their children's lives. Rather than developing a post concerning the absent Fathers I am choosing to spend a few moments celebrating the Fathers who are PRESENT in the lives of their children. These men of all ages deserve our love, respect and appreciation. These men deserve to be honored and recognized for their contributions to the improvement of our society. These men seek to serve God as well as serve their families through daily courageous actions that seek to preserve the integrity of the family unit. Let us take a moment and applaud these men for their consistent faithfulness; their love for their family and their care and concern for their loved ones.  

I can remember an activity that took place on a daily occasion when I was attending school. The teacher would address the class and "call the roll." The students would respond with the word "present" when they heard their names called and a non-response or silence would alert the teacher to the fact that a student or students were absent. Some of you may remember the Sunday School Class Roll Book in which the class secretary would place an "A" or a "P" by your name identifying the fact that you were either absent or present. 

There is a daily "roll call" being extended across our world today. God is calling for Fathers to answer "Present" when their name is called. The wives of these men as well as their children are waiting, hoping, and praying that their husband and father will answer "Present." There is far too much silence in the homes around our nation. We are in need of Fathers who are present in the lives of their children rather than ignoring and forgetting their responsibilities. How will you answer that question today? How do you plan on answering that question tomorrow? I truly believe that you can hear millions of Father's answering "Present" if you listen close enough.

I am thankful that I grew up in a home with a Father who was present. I am thankful that I choose to answer present when fatherhood became one the job descriptions added to my responsibilities in 1973. I was not a perfect Father by any means but I did choose to answer the roll call every day and declare through my actions that I was present. I am thankful for our two sons and their willingness and desire to answer present on a daily basis in the lives of their wives and children. Not one of us are perfect parents but God will provide the strength we need when we choose to answer "PRESENT" when it comes to our family responsibilities. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014


The phone that I am presently using has an app called "Reminders." The purpose of that app is to assist me in remembering those things that are important for me NOT to forget. I simply type a reminder into the appropriate boxes and designate the importance of the reminder. I can designate the time, location and priority of the reminder. Did I mention that I can even designate the need for daily reminders if needed? Now, that is an app that provides a lot of services to assist me in remembering to stop at the grocery store and pick up a loaf of bread on my way home from the office.

The Bible Study on Wednesday night opened with a discussion concerning "spiritual reminders." I must confess that there are times in my life in which I need the Spirit to bring the promises and provision of God to my remembrance. I need to stop and pick up the bread for sure but it is the Bread of Life that I need to hear and remember. Several of the participants in the time of study and discussion shared about times in their lives in which God sent them "reminders" (signs) to let them know that He had not forgotten them. As Christians we know that the Word of God makes that declaration very plainly in the Bible. BUT isn't it true that life has a way of "clouding up" our memory in such a way that we can become forgetful? We do not mean to allow that to happen but the challenges of the moment cause us to forget one of the most important promises of God. You may be thinking, which promise are you referencing? I am referencing the promise of the continual presence of God in our lives.  Let me remind you of that promise found in Hebrews 13;5-6, "Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you. So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” (NLT) Needles to say that all of us who were sitting in that room during that study left with our hearts, souls, minds and spirits rejuvenated and encouraged.

Side note: We witnessed a beautiful rainbow in the sky on our drive home. Was that a coincidence or a reminder? I will let you answer that question for me remembering the type of Bible study and discussion that we had just left. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Weekend Thoughts, Part 2

Several conversations on Monday convinced me that what I had heard in my spirit during Sunday's service was also being heard by others who were sitting in the same service. I do not mean to use these words to affirm or even confirm the message that the Spirit had placed in my heart that day but I do find it intriguing that there were individuals sitting in the worship service who could sense God revealing this area of truth to their hearts. I am completely convinced that we must engage God in a manner of a student/teacher relationship as well as the relational one of Father/child. Yes, God is our Heavenly Father and we are called His children but He also reveals Himself as the Way, the Truth and the Life through Jesus Christ. One of the ministries/functions of the Holy Spirit is to lead and guide us into all Truth. The Spirit will reveal the appropriate revelation and application of the Word to our lives. Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path." (NKJ) (Emphasis added)

We find it so easy to engage our culture in so many situations but we struggle when it comes time to turn our attention to God and engage Him in a time of spiritual connectivity. We find it easy to connect with social events in our lives such as family gatherings, sporting events, recreational events as well as leisure and relaxation events. None of these things are sinful in and of themselves but it does remind us that we do have the ability to engage/connect/relate to situations and people that are taking place around us. Should not this same "ability" be carried over into our relationship with God as we commune with Him through His Word, His Presence and His Guidance? Is it possible that we have allowed the enemy of our soul to sell us a bill of goods that is becoming unprofitable and a hindrance to our spiritual progress? Each of us may need to take a spiritual inventory of our lives and ask ourselves some of these questions. "Am I making a concerted effort to engage/connect/relate to God during my private as well as corporate times of worship? Do I truly desire to see my relationship with God grow, mature and develop according to His plan and purpose? Have I fully committed and surrendered my life to Christ or have I learned to settle for the "course of least resistance" when it comes to serving God?"

Each of us need to develop our own set of questions that we review from time to time as a means of examining our walk with Christ. I am learning to understand the need to hold myself accountable to myself as well as depending on others to assist me in being held accountable. We must remember that God loves us enough that He will provide the tools as well as the strength we need to be successful in our journey with Him. But He does expect me (you) to join Him in the process and progress of the journey.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekend Thoughts

Monday morning is always a time of reflection for me as I review the church service on Sunday. But I also need to admit that there are very few days that go by without me thinking about the previous sermon(s). I am always seeking to remember what I said as well as I what I feel that the Spirit would have me to declare to the congregation that I am addressing. It is during my time of prayer that I am asking God to let me "speak form His heart to His people." I believe that it is truly important to hear from God and not just hear from a man or a woman who thinks that they have heard from God. There is a difference if you will think about the words that I just shared.

The following words should not have to be said but I will identify the "elephant in the room." We (the family of God) need to hear the instructions and directions of the Heavenly Father in this critical time of our existence. I firmly believe that God will guide and direct our hearts if we will make the commitment to seek after Him. Yesterday I spoke (some will call it preaching) about our need to connect or engage God in a time of instruction. It seems that the spirit of the enemy has created the illusion that church, God and worship is boring and that it can not hold your attention. I personally am offended by that declaration and presentation of the enemy. How can you say that the God of all creation is boring, dull, or out of touch with you and your life? Can't you see the daily involvement of God in your life? Can't you see the daily blessings of God? You may say, Preacher I don't see what you are writing about. But is it entirely possible that you have not taken the time to survey your life? We would be surprised if each of us would put our grumbling on pause and honestly recognize the goodness of God. The end result of that attitude would place praise in our heart, hope in our life and thankfulness in our worship!!!

Why not accept the challenge that I just extended to each of us?

Friday, June 6, 2014

God is Watching You

2 Chronicles 16:9a, "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him..." (NKJ)

Each of us can sense the blessings of God when we remember that there are people that truly care about us. We rejoice in the fact that God has placed people in our lives who want to see us succeed in life. These people can be our family, close friends as well as our brothers and sisters in Christ. We can celebrate the fact that these individuals are truly interested in our well-being and they will assist us in any manner that they can so that we can accomplish our goals in life. I immediately think of many individuals who have made a wonderful investment in my personal life. These special people and wonderful thoughts bring a smile to my face and a warm feeling of appreciation flows from my heart as I write these words.

This morning a line from an old song went through my spirit as I was praying. A portion of the song declares "...His eyes are on the sparrow and I know (emphasis added) that He watches over me..." I then began to reflect on the promise declared in the above mentioned passage. The True Shepherd knows us by name and He understands all of the cares, anxieties, challenges and struggles that we face on a daily basis. Nothing that happens to us is ever out of His sight. God does not have "blind spots" when it comes to His children. I know that the enemy is prowling and looking for an opportunity to devour us but "the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." 

Each of you who read this blog post today need to be reminded as I was this morning that NOTHING is ever hidden from God. He is always aware of each of us and He has promised never to leave or forsake us. We have those days in which we feel overwhelmed (I write that from experience and not just the observation of others). But it is during those moments that we make the critical decision to lift our eyes to God and realize that His eyes are already looking at us. God is never caught off guard when it comes to the care and concern for His children. You can rest in the fact that God loves you and that you are never out of His sight.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday Morning Praise

Psalm 92:1-3, "It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High. It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning,your faithfulness in the evening, accompanied by the ten-stringed harp and the melody of the lyre." (NLT)

I don't have anything dramatic or prophetic to share but I do believe that it is inspired as well as IMPORTANT. I believe that God reminded me of the importance of Praise during my time of prayer this morning. I am like everyone else in this manner; I have personal needs for which I am praying as well as joining with others in praying for their needs to be met. It is easy for our "praise" to become silent as we look at all that we are facing as well as the needs that others are facing.

This morning God reminded me that I needed to see the needs through the "eyes of praise." The Spirit reminded me that I often hear testimonies from others and soon forget the encouraging words that I heard. I even forget many of the blessings that God has provided for me when I am faced with a new set of challenges and situations. But praise encourages me to remember the unfailing love of God as well as His faithfulness to His promises. Praise encourages me to trust God to meet the needs that I am presently facing. Praise encourages me to push past doubt and embrace faith as I observe all that is going on around me. 

The services this weekend encouraged me to remember the goodness and greatness of God regardless of the situations. The services reminded me to remember that God still performs the miraculous in spite of those people who say that miracles stopped centuries ago. I don't think those people who have received a miracle would necessarily agree with the previous statement. "The hand of God is not shortened..." I was able to witness a young man surrender his life to Christ on Sunday morning. I feel another praise coming on as I write these words.

I will stop and offer to you the opportunity to share your praises with God. "It is good to give thanks to the Lord,to sing praises to the Most High."