Monday, August 11, 2014


I would like to take a moment and offer a word praise to God. Isn't it always amazing to see the presence of God at work even in the midst of challenges and difficulties? The old Preacher may say it this way, "You can't have a testimony without a test." Genuine praise and thanksgiving is often raised up out of a time of difficulty. It is during those times that we turn our hearts and attention toward God and realize that His greatness has not changed as we walk through a time of challenge. God is still God regardless of what is happening to us, around us, or even in us. It is with a thankful heart that I offer my THANK YOU JESUS today.

Ann and I have seen the goodness of God at work over the past few weeks in our lives. We have been reminded that is a good thing that we have placed our faith and confidence in God. We are not embarrassed to say that we do not have to look anywhere else but to God; He is our present help in challenging times. Some one today may need to be reminded that it is your time to share your praises with God. Do not wait any longer before you take the time to praise. There is no better time that the present time in which you are living. God is revealing Himself all around us. We just need to take the time to identify His blessings as well as identify His presence today. 

In four (4) separate verses in Psalm 107 the Psalmist makes this declaration: "Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" (KJV) (Emphasis added)

Would you be one of those individuals who will choose to follow that admonition today?

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