I Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;" (NKJV)
The celebration of Palm Sunday will be upon us in a few days. Palm Sunday reminds us of the grand celebration that arose among the people as Jesus entered Jerusalem to begin the journey of His final days of earthly life. It was a day in which wonderful words of praise were offered as well as demonstrations of honor and worship were expressed to Him. But in a few short days the same crowd that adored Him would be calling for His crucifixion. Isn't it amazing how quickly some people can change their minds about offering praise, honor and glory to God?
The passage for today reminds us of the awesome privilege and wonderful opportunity to proclaim the greatness of God through our praises. What truly motivates my praise? Is my praise a response to the blessings that He provides for me? Is my praise a response to the prayers that God has answered? Is my praise offered as a quick response to a "good day" that God has given to me?
Here is another question that I think each of us need to ponder in our hearts. Shouldn't my praise be offered because of my deliverance from the kingdom of darkness? Shouldn't my praise be offered to God because He has transitioned me into the Kingdom of light, knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ? Did I just hear an AMEN being raised around the world from the family of God? Let us never forget that the cross of Calvary provided the means of our adoption into the family of God. Let us never forget that we were saved through grace and not of our own ability. Let us never forget that the love of God is unconditional and that we live in that love on a daily basis. Let us never forget that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Deliverer from the bondage of sin and that we have freedom in Him and in Him alone.
Would somebody like to offer Him PRAISE TODAY?
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