Luke 21:37-38, "And in the daytime He was teaching in the temple, but at night He went out and stayed on the mountain called Olivet. 38 Then early in the morning all the people came to Him in the temple to hear Him." (NKJV)
Have you ever heard these words being spoken, "Are you listening to me?" These words may have been spoken by your parents, your spouse or in some cases even your children. Each of us have caught ourselves not paying attention to what was being spoken by someone. Again this "wandering ear" could have happened to us in various situations in which we failed to comprehend what was being spoken to us. Let's be honest for a moment, it is easy to allow our minds to drift away from what is really important. Distractions or even other attractions can contribute to this problem of a "wandering ear."
Don't you believe that it is time that we paid close attention to what the Spirit and the Word are saying to each of us today? I think that we can become so captured by the idea that God has a revelation for the Body of Christ collectively that we fail to pay attention to what He has to say to us on an individual basis. I don't mean this in a harsh manner but we need to start paying attention to what the Spirit is saying to us today. We need to turn our "ears" toward heaven and hear what the Lord is saying to us.
This past Sunday morning the Spirit brought this reminder into the corporate worship meeting of our local church. The Spirit challenged us with these words in three successive statements to the congregation; "I love you and I am calling you to draw near to me." But here is one of the problems that I identify in the modern day church. Each of us believe that God is calling everyone else but me. You need to respond to God and I will stay in my position of spiritual comfort and spiritual ease. But is that really the posture that Christ wants us to take? In my prayerful opinion, we must stop "passing the buck" to everyone else.
We need to make a sincere effort to hear what the Spirit is saying to us. God knows what is best for us and God knows what is right for us. Are we (me) willing to respond appropriately or will I continue to just ignore the call from God and reason in my mind that the call from God pertains to everyone else? It is time to listen to what God is saying to us and begin to put into practice those principles that will lead to spiritual transformation.
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