Friday, May 8, 2015

Mother's Day

It is always a privilege and blessing to remember and recognize those special people who have made a difference in our lives. This weekend affords us the opportunity to turn our hearts toward our Mothers who have made an impact on our journey down the road of life. My Mother turned 81 a few days ago and she is still making a difference in my life as an encourager as well as a prayer partner. My wife was 21 years old when her Mother suddenly died at the age of 41. But the brief life of her Mother was not lived in vain. I still see the influence of Louise Phillips being lived through the actions and lifestyle of my wife as well as her siblings. We need to make sure that we pay the appropriate homage, respect, and appreciation for these women who have faithfully served their families throughout their life. 

Always remember that gifts can never fully replace the words that you need to say and share with those that you love. Don't let a gift or a card attempt to say only what you can express. No Mother is perfect; we all understand that to be true but it does not mean that we have not known some wonderful women of faith who served God and served their families faithfully. Take a moment and applaud them today and let them know that you appreciate the investment that they have made in your life. You will bring a smile to their face and a warmth to their heart that the most expensive gift could NEVER bring. 

I also need to express thanks for my wife, the Mother of our two sons and four grandchildren. We have been married for over 43 years. We have been involved in ministry for all of those years with most of that time spent in Pastoral ministry. My wife has been an awesome Mother to our sons but also a an adopted Mother to many others. Some of our "adopted children" were older than her but she was able to fill that void in their lives. I can also identify some of those same qualities in my Mother. She has been married to a Minister for 64 years and has served in that same role for many of those years. Both of these ladies have "children" scattered around this nation.

I know that we hear about the "bad" Mothers of our day and time. I do not deny that these type of Mothers exist or have existed in our world. But I maintain the belief that the good Mothers far out number the bad Mothers. Let us thank God for those Mothers who have taught us about the Love of God but more importantly they have shown us the Love of God. I was privileged to be raised in a home that both of these qualities were evident. I also witnessed those same qualities being practiced in our home through the years. I thank God for my Mother, I thank God for my wife and I thank God for the wonderful Mothers who are making a difference in the lives of their families in 2015!!


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