Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Today is a day in which we recognize and remember those brave American men and women who gave the ultimate price for our freedom.  They gave their lives so that we could have the opportunity and blessing to live in freedom.  We must never take for granted the blessings that we have come to enjoy in this great nation; God has shed His mercy and grace upon our nation and we need to recognize the sacrifice that our military has given so that my family and your family still live in the "land of the brave and the home of the free." Many of these brave Americans stand watch today and they are prepared to give the ultimate sacrifice if necessary. 

We need to take time to thank a Veteran today for his or her service to our nation.  My father is a WWII veteran.  He is 84 years old and still serves his nation through his work in the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) association.  Until recently he served as the Chaplain of his local chapter; some health issues caused him to take a different approach to his service in the local DAV but he still has a desire to assist people who are in need.  It is the approach of that generation of Americans that has helped make our nation the greatest nation on earth.  Oh, I understand that our nation is facing a set of unique challenges at this moment in our history.  But I am believing that another "greatest generation" will arise with spiritual and moral fortitude and face the challenges of our day.  You and I can not afford to wait on someone else to accept the challenge of these moments.  We could be compared Queen Esther in the Bible, we are in the "kingdom for such a time as this."  Who will accept the spiritual challenge that lies before us?  Will we respond as Isaiah did in Isaiah 6, "Here I am send me."

Historical information:   Memorial Day is unique to our nation.  The Memorial Day observance was begun during the Civil War.  Some concerned ladies decided to decorate the graves of those who had bravely given their lives in the destructive civil conflict between states.  They not only decorated the graves of the Confederate soldiers they also noticed that the graves of the Union soldiers were also bare of flowers.  These ladies understood that these soldiers had freely given their lives in this divisive conflict yet they deserved the honor and respect of having their grave decorated with beautiful flowers.  This day in America needs to be more than just a Holiday for cookouts and the beginning of summer vacations.  It is is because of these brave men and women of our military force that we are able to gather in churches all across America and lift our voices in praise to God, our Heavenly Father.  Let us offer sincere praise and honor to God with thankful hearts for all of His many blessings on our nation.

Here is a verse from a Toby Keith song entitled American Soldier.
  "And I will always do my duty no matter what the price
   I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice
   Oh, and I don't want to die for you, but if dying is asked of me
   I'll bear the cross with honor, cause freedom isn't free." 

Let us remember that "freedom isn't free."


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