Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Review

Today finds me in Decatur, AL.  I began a revival meeting last night in the local church in Decatur.  This is the area of my spiritual roots.  My parents served as a Pastor of a church in this area as I began my process of spiritual formation.  Many of my first sermons were preached in this area as I began my journey with God.  It is a privilege to be able to re-visit this area of my life and remember the call that I felt from God as a young man.  I still sense the urgency of that call this morning and I feel that I have a stronger desire to fulfill that call than even when I first felt the Spirit dealing with my life.  I am thankful for all that God has done in my life but I am anticipating even greater revelation as I continue this journey.

The weekend services at the Union Grove church were wonderful.  The anointing of the Lord was very strong in the Saturday night meeting.  The Spirit spoke directly to several people who were in attendance at the service.  It is amazing to know that even in a crowd of people God is aware of your needs and He will speak direction to your heart if you will give Him the opportunity.  We must never under estimate the power of God's love and concern for us as individuals.  The Homecoming celebration on Sunday morning was great.  The Lord used the service to remind us that everyone is important to God and that He is the God of all generations.  God reaches across the different generations to raise up a family that pursues God with all of their heart.  We must learn to appreciate and respect the various parts of the family of God and identify the importance of each of them. 

We enjoyed a great meeting in Decatur last night.  Pastor Reeves and I were childhood friends and we have continued to keep that relationship through the years.  People from some of the surrounding churches were in attendance last night; some of these have known me from the time of my childhood and early years of ministry.  I appreciate all of the people that God has used to encourage me through the years of my walk with God.  We must always recognize those key people that God places in our lives as we walk through life.  God never meant for us to travel alone; He will provide the support we need if we will take the time to receive the support that God offers to us.  Last night's service reminded us about the faithfulness of God.  God is with us regardless of the circumstances that we are facing.  The promises of God are true and sure!

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