Friday, September 17, 2010

Light vs. Darkness

The discussion concerning the struggle between light and darkness has been very prominent in the media over the past few weeks.  We have discussed the building of the mosque near Ground Zero in New York City; we have discussed the burning of books that are a part of the religion of Islam as well as other individual battles that pit the powers of darkness against the power of the True Light.  The Words TRUE LIGHT have resonated in my heart over the past few days.  I believe that the answer to the struggles with the powers of darkness is the declaration of the truth concerning True Light.  The enemy of our soul does not want the Truth declared.  The Truth will reveal and expose the fallacies of the darkness.  This is one of the reasons that the church must resist the temptation to operate under the influence of the philosophies and ideologies of man; we must have the direction and anointing of God upon the spiritual leadership of our nation.  Satan always struggles with the truth because his kingdom is built upon the foundation of lies and deception.  The Truth called satan a liar and the father of lies.  We combat lies with truth.  We combat darkness with Light and the True Light is Jesus Christ our Lord.  Christ still remains the Light of the world regardless of the actions of the darkness.  Just as a light bulb will dispel darkness in a room so the power of Christ will dispel the power of darkness in this sinful and evil world.  Our greatest weapon against darkness is the revelation of Light.  Each of us need to display the Light of Christ in our lives so that people can recognize that the Way, the Truth, and the Life are at work in our personal life.  Light still defeats the power of darkness.  The Body of Christ is hearing the renewed call to remain faithful to our call and to our message.  We still have the message of Truth and Light to declare and we need to remain resolved to declare that message to a world living under the influence of darkness.

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